10:30am Monday

479 31 13

I could feel Virgil's arm wrap around my chest as I woke up slowly. Seeming everyone except Janus knew about my amnesia, there was less pressure to wake up a quarter before 7 to make breakfast for everyone. I opened my eyes and yawned, smiling slightly and glancing at the glow in the dark stars above me as the birds chirped outside. Virgil was fast asleep next to me, making me smile wider at his utter bliss and innocence. I flicked his fringe just to watch him wake up - another small moment I wanted to keep in my mind forever on replay.

He nuzzled his nose like a small cat before returning his hand to touch my chest. After a few seconds he opened one of his eyes and then quickly moved his arm away. "Sorry Lo... I didn't realise where my arm was..." He then rolled on his back and wiped his eyes with the arm he was lying on. "How did you sleep?" He turned to me and I got a full glimpse at his morning face. He couldn't remove his eyeshadow properly so blackness lined the bottom lashes of his eyes, causing his eyes to glow and expand more as he gazed up at me like black moons. I just wanted to grab his forearms, go on top of him and kiss him deeply. I just wanted him.

Maybe I am in love with Virgil.

"What the f^^^ you staring at?" Virgil laughed with his sleepy smile appearing, his low raspy sleepy voice almost making my blush out of control. I read somewhere that if you are in love with someone's face as soon as they wake up, you were destined to be in love forever. It was definitely true - or at least I hoped. I loved him more when I saw him. 

"Uh... Looks like my bed's pretty comfy right?" Virgil smirked and let out a breath as I sat up and ruffled my hair. He seemed to gaze at me in silence for a few good minutes while I stood and stretched getting my clothes for the day. "You still seem to be in a kind dream like state." I laughed at him. He immediately looked away and closed his eyes sleepily again.

"Just thinking about my new room." He yawned, stretching his arms up and looking at the plain wall that faced his side of the bed. "Maybe I should get a bed... I thought it was cheaper to just have pillows and blankets on my staircase but..." He mumbled slightly before carrying on speaking, enjoying his comfy bliss before escaping it to also get out the bed. "That bed is just so damn comfy! I don't know how you get up in the morning."

"Usually when you pounce on my bed at 6:45." I laughed, passing him his favourite hoodie which he quickly wrapped around his grey tank top. "Any good dreams?"

Virgil's face immediately shot up to a shade of pink, distracting him from looking through the wardrobe for his own clothes. I giggled slightly but dared not ask for more details on the said dream that heated up his cheeks. I understood testosterone, and that creepy lovey-dovey dreams often appeared without a warning and no reason behind them. He definitely wasn't in love with anyone.

"S-so what's the plan today?" Virgil asked quietly as I was about to walk into the bathroom to get changed. I shrugged and leant against the door. "Well we can have our movie night tonight - and avoid Janus all day."

"What is it with you and Janus?" I asked, fixing my shirt as I walked back in my room. Virgil was also completely dressed too in his usual hoodie and jeans. I had got slightly more used to dressing as I used to before my amnesia; swapping a t-shirt for the button-up shirt I saw in old pictures of me. I still hated ties with a burning passion though, and that probably won't change.

"We used to be best friends..." Virgil said quietly, sitting on my bed and doing up his shoes. "Like we are, and it was special... I trusted him." I sat next to Virgil and put my arm around him as he kept his head down.

"What happened?"

"We fell in love..." Virgil bit his bottom lip and smirked even though his eyes were getting watery. "He kissed me - I kissed back - it was magic." He chuckled and leant his head on my shoulder. "Then Remus found out and you haven't heard that many sex jokes - trust me." He came closer and smiled, a genuine and honestly beautiful smile. His hair rubbed my neck and our knees touched, but he didn't seem to care. Why would he care? He was probably still heartbroken - and I desired for him to fall in love with me. "He ghosted me, and we lived together Lo... It was torture - absolute torture going from making out to watching him walk the other way through the door whenever I wanted to speak to him." I watched his eyes as he vented, feeling trapped by them again and wanting desperately to touch his lips with mine. He kept his eyes on the floor until I started tapping my fingers on my knee to distract myself from my desires - and he watched it. "Have you ever been in love Sherlock?" Virgil asked suddenly, his eyes jolting to meet mine.

"I don't remember." Virgil chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. He lifted his head up again and stood, packing away his pyjamas into the wardrobe. "I think Patton's... experience... has scarred me for a while." Yes I was lying through my teeth, I knew that. But Virgil was an important friend.

"I guess we're one in the same." Virgil smirked, shutting the closet door and leaning against it just... smiling at me. "You want to help me face the snake b^tch?" He brought out a hand as he walked over. I took it and he helped me stand, but didn't let go. "Thanks for being here for me."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now