Seeing Remus

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Eventually, I finally woke up again, wrapped in a black and purple blanket and placed on my bed. Virgil stood at my open door looking out into the hallway in thought - I suppose he put me there. It was remarkably peaceful watching him; the first time I could hear complete silence during the day, as he stood with one arm over his chest and the other ruffling his hair. The stance complemented his sharp features, and his features sure were beautiful.

"You're awake!" Virgil said excitedly, walking over as I sat up and sitting at the end of the bed. He giggled softly, his soft lips becoming a smirk - and I definitely wanted to kiss him. "Feeling more awake sleepy-head? We need to head to the Dark House to visit Remus."

"I have questions..." My voice managed to mutter, saying each word slowly and carefully as if it were difficult to speak. "About my memory. Just - I don't quite understand something." Virgil nodded, giving me a soft look like a parent comforting their upset child. He sat next to me also carefully while I sat in a ball covered by the blanket he gave me. This could ruin everything our friendship was - in all my memories Virgil and I had never talked about the past. "Why did you kiss me?"

Virgil looked away sharply, staring at his fingers. He bit his lip and also sat in a ball, not daring to look at me for even a second. "That was years ago Lo." Virgil said quickly. "Why are you asking me this now?" He then turned to me, glaring at me with anger. I sighed and shuffled away slightly, about to speak before I was interrupted. "I mean we were barely 21! We were young and naive and stupid and there's no way those feelings I had for you at 21 are still present now!" When I finally turned to Virgil again I could spot his blushing red cheeks while he was distracted by the ramblings similar to what caused us to kiss in the first place.

"Remember your promise to me?" I spoke gently, shuffling closer again while Virgil paused like a broken record - only small and jolty movements. "You'll help me remember - if it's the last thing you'd do. And part of 'remembering' my memories is comprehending the information within them. I need you to be the most honest you could possibly be to help me understand that life-changing event."

Virgil nodded and took a deep breath, only smiling slightly but it was still a smile. "Of course, damn you and your smarts..." Virgil leaned on my shoulder as he usually does, our legs touched as usual, but it was absolute silence. I could tell Virgil was formulating his thoughts, breathing slowly simultaneous with my breaths making the entirety of time slow down.

"LOOOOOVEBIRDS!" Roman ran into my room chaotically, waving his sword around with one hand and holding up an old green and red shield with the other hand. "Patton let me bring the old Creativity shield to show Remus! He used to love this old thing - Oh I can't wait to finally see my brother again!" Roman ran out again, laughter erupting through the halls. Virgil stood and walked to the door quickly, looking down until he was at the door, which then he looked at me.

"We'll... Talk about it later, please?" I nodded and he smiled wider. I stood and walked up to him, and nervousness made his cheeks pink again. "Thanks Sherlock... You're a good friend." The last bit he said a little quieter and rubbed my hand as a form of contact. This was what made my face finally pink, but we ignored it and walked downstairs to go visit Remus.


After walking for about an hour Janus could reveal where he, Remus, and Virgil for some years, had hidden themselves. Thomas didn't know that the Sides technically owned two houses, and both houses linked to his mind space so the Dark Sides could remain hidden for the years and years they were. The house was similar to the Light Side house in layout; it was a lot more dark and Gothic though. When we entered the living room we realised they didn't own many of the luxuries we did; they had no TV, there was no swimming pool you could see through the windows like in our house - there wasn't even a sofa, just two black fold-up chairs with a third folded and used as a clothes rack. Virgil seemed to stare at each object a few minutes longer than the rest of us, fear obviously taking over his face. I don't know what he was remembering, but it definitely wasn't any good memories. I held his hand to try and support him, but he quickly removed it and glared at me in anger. "Are you alright Verge?" I whispered. He nodded his head quickly.

"I'm fine."

During this fear spell that had overcome Virgil, and that I was trying to reduce, Remus had appeared hidden in the kitchen. Everyone was too distracted to see him, asking about the house or what Remus had become since they had only seen him when he was first created and then when Thomas met him.

"SURPRISE MOTHERF^CKER!" Remus finally screamed as he ran in, a green and silver sword in hand matching Roman's red and gold one. Roman immediately understood this chaotic energy with his telepathic twin powers and drew his sword to fight his brother. They chased each other around the living room while Janus sighed loudly and laid his hand on his temple.

"I suppose this is why we didn't have regular reunions." Patton joked, smiling wide at Janus who even stifled a small laugh. Patton made white fold-up chairs appear and set them beside the black ones. Virgil noticed this and got the black chair that hadn't been touched in years.

Patton made a white chair for himself, then me, then Roman, then turned his head as Virgil set his black chair down. As I sat another white chair appeared in Patton's hand; Virgil was struggling to open the chair after all its years of dormancy even with Janus' help. "Kiddo?" Patton chirped, giving Virgil the white chair. Virgil smiled wide at this small action, like a child on Christmas Day, and sat next to me. Janus' smile was a bit less happy, looking at his own black chair then back at Patton before going to sit down. "Wait a sec Jan." Patton said in his same chirpy voice, walking up to the chair Janus was about to sit on and turning it light grey.

Janus opened his mouth slightly at this small act of silence, glancing at Patton for reassurance. Patton nodded. "All yours buddy. You're becoming one of us again." Janus then mirrored Virgil's Christmas Day smile, making Patton hug him. Janus was surprised at the contact but hugged back until Remus and Roman finally sat down.

"So - what questions do you need to ask me?" Remus giggled, bobbing side to side - an action I knew as vibing. Roman laughed and bobbed along, two twin brothers vibing in unison as all of us finally sat together in perfect harmony (ignoring the possible romantic tension between Virgil and me of course).

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now