12pm Wednesday

769 46 44

(I looked up tired Thomas and this was the first result - enjoy)
Also tell me if you think the swearing shouldn't be censored or if you like it censored.
Also sorry for the slightly shorter chapter but there's a bit of Logicality for all those shippers too!


"Thank you so much for helping Logie Bear!" Patton cheered as I placed the knives and forks down for homemade pizza - who does that? "Don't you miss your reading? You usually read as many pages in a day as I say Dad jokes!" I shrugged, spotting Virgil peering at me through the kitchen window.

"I guess I just - got bored..." I whispered, getting beside Patton with my back facing Virgil in the kitchen. "I mean - have I always had such a rocky relationship with Roman?"

Patton raised an eyebrow as he glanced over, hazel eyes glowing for a short second. I made sure to phrase the question as if I knew the answer, but the short moment of eye contact we shared seemed to strip my fakery down - as if he understood the true reason to that question. I automatically stepped back once Patton looked down to stir up an answer.

"You always - sort of - taunt each other. You both have separate ideas about what's best for Thomas, and that drifts you apart." He said simply, straightening the knives and forks I had placed. "It's good you want to tighten your bond! That will be so good for Thomas."

"What would be good for Thomas? Logan shutting up?" Roman laughed as he placed pizza in the centre of the table. Patton gave him an angry glance and then sighed, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Don't mind him Logie Bear... Just keep doing what you're doing." His squeaky voice calmed a little as we met eyes again. He smiled a sweet and genuine smile, his hand still lay on my shoulder. I couldn't help watching his eyes, they silenced me with their movements. They left my eyes to look at my shoulder, then to Patton's spare hand then travelled from the base of my neck to the cheek back to the eyes. It was only simple - but it made me feel uneasy somehow like I was naked in front of car lights on a rainy winter night.

"Afternoon guys." A voice came from the door. I peaked my head across the corner to see who had just walked in. It was a completely new person, the mean height of all of us, with shaggy unbrushed hair. He had his back from me at first, hanging a hoodie up on the coat rack to reveal a lilac flowery shirt. "What's for lunch?"

"Pizza! Take a seat, Thomas." Without hesitation, the new person sat in the spare seat as did the others. The conversation seemed to start relatively quick too, about Thomas' YouTube videos and auditions near in time. I kind of forgot to exist for a moment, paying attention to the vibrations caused by the mouth movements around me rather than the actual words within them.

"You're awfully quiet Logan..." Thomas' voice mumbled across the table. I looked up and met eyes with him, processing that I hadn't touched my pizza for a good few minutes. "Are you alright?"

"He's fine." Virgil said for me quickly, not looking up from his pizza. "Absolutely fine."

Thomas looked at me concerned but shrugged. "What are you wearing Logan? Is that new?"

"I made it myself!" Roman cheered, standing in a majestic stance to reach over for the salt. "He likes it. Do you like it Thomas?"

"Yes, yes - it's good Roman." Thomas said quickly before returning to face me. "Logan? Are you OK?"

"Perfectly fine Thomas. You have no need to worry." I said calmly - and the situation derailed. Thomas took a deep breath, smirking at Patton.

"Well, I like the new style - perfect for the next video!" I could only nod to that, unsure what he was talking about, but it was a common conversation point. "It's also nice to see you relax a little..."

"But nothing else has changed - Right Sherlock?" Virgil murmured, bringing my hand against his under the table and squeezing my hand as if to tell me to say no more.

I heard a small laugh from Thomas. "Finally asked the question, Logan?"


Roman, Patton and Thomas burst out laughing. "Aww... Did Virgil ask then?" Thomas sniggered.

"No! I did not ask him any questions and he didn't ask me any questions - shut up!" Virgil stood and slammed the table, his face extremely red as everyone silenced and stared at him in surprise. "Do you want me to leave the table?"

"No... Sit kiddo... We were only teasing." Patton cooed like Virgil was a small child. Virgil sat again slowly and silently.

"Teach has been acting f^^^ing weird though." Roman said quickly, also avoiding eye contact with anyone apart from Thomas. "He woke up at like 10am yesterday - He's never done that!"

"I had a fever..."

"That's why I was feeling tired yesterday - I was going to ask about that!" The group could only laugh awkwardly - the sound of Virgil's cutlery hitting the plate (he ate pizza with a knife and fork like a madman).

"Let's go upstairs Logan - away from this." And with that Virgil stood and walked upstairs, his shadow turning like a vampire's cape making him look paler and paler by the second.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now