It All Makes Sense....

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(Virgil Sanders tie-dye - it's cute)
Yeah sorry, this one's a little shorter - I suppose it makes up for the longer chapters previously.
Also, notice how the chapters after the memories will be properly named rather than just telling the time - since Logan actually knows what and why things are happening more than before when he was just learning about everyone day by day.

Also, I've got 2K reads on this! Thank you!


When I finally woke, I saw piles of food in front of me - Roman's favourite pasta, Patton's special cookies, Virgil's home-made hot chocolate with extra caffeine, and some snake food from Janus. The sun was still shining bright, and I had since been moved from Patton's bed where the memories started to be uploaded to the living room sofa like my previous fainting spell. Once I began to move to reach the hot chocolate, I heard a soft gasp.

"Oh, Logie you're back!" Patton whispered, pulling the blanket above me past my shoulders. "We didn't know when you'd wake up, so we made you very comfortable and gave you lots of food."

"It's only been two hours." Virgil smirked, walking in with his arms crossed. I smiled a little bit seeing Virgil again; although confused how years of memories could easily become two hours.

"We were worried about you kiddo - We didn't know how you'd react."

Virgil sighed, positioning himself beside Patton as I sat up. "I suppose Pat's right - we'll worry about you for as long as you live." For a moment Virgil lay his eyes on my free hand, making Patton smile wide and wink at me. Virgil immediately stopped. "Do you have a headache or anything Lo?"

I took a sip of hot chocolate and ate a cookie before answering. "I feel fine, maybe a little tired. But fine." Virgil moved beside me with a smile, letting me lay slightly on his side and relax.

There was a sudden noise upstairs that erupted downstairs along with laughter. Roman and Janus ran down the stairs; Janus chasing Roman waving his snake sceptre while Roman waved his sword. Both couldn't stop laughing and screaming how much they'd kill each other. It was like two children play fighting - apart from they might actually harm each other whether accidental or purposeful.

Roman eventually looked over and realised I was awake - although I still leant heavily on Virgil's shoulder. "Logan!" Roman giggled, his voice still like a hyper excited child. "Are you alright? Oh!" Roman sat the other side of me with an excited gasp. "What do you last remember?"

I only shrugged for a few seconds, processing my thoughts and enjoying the hot chocolate and the warmth from Virgil's arm slowly going around my shoulders. "Normal... We watched a movie... I left early... I went to bed... Patton gave me tea as I began to fall asleep and there was this amazing citrus smell." Virgil held me tighter as I got more comfortable in Virgil's embrace, starting to smile even though everyone's face around me dropped.

"I fell asleep on the sofa that night..." Patton spoke softly, giving me another cookie to keep me awake along with some Crofter's jelly to keep me happy. "Roman woke me slightly when he carried me to my room for me at almost 4am... And you went to sleep at 10." Patton looked to Roman to see if he got his facts right, Roman nodded slightly confused.

"Did you see Patton?" Janus finally piped up to ask, checking my temperature and vision as he asked the question. I only had the strength to shake my head, the caffeine doing nothing against my tiredness. Janus checked my ears, while keeping my eyes open as best as he could. "Did you hear him?" I nodded, yawning while Janus checked my breathing. He sure was a good doctor.

"So I was imitated?" Patton squeaked slightly, looking at Janus and then Roman. Virgil brought me closer to his chest as Roman glared at Janus, holding his sword and raising an eyebrow. "Who - else - can imitate one of us?"

Janus obviously seemed nervous, holding his sceptre behind his back in case he actually had to use it. "It's not a far stretch to say all of us can to some extent - You have imitated Thomas' friends before. As for the smell - it could just be a hyper-fixation. Remus never reported a smell when I used the amnesia with him - I didn't ask him of course."

"So - I suppose there's only one way we could check..." Virgil whispered slightly, stroking my hair as I yawned again. It's weird how he never questioned my leaning in - while I was sleepy, I did decide to lean especially on Virgil because part of me wanted to make a move. He did kiss me after all, there must be something there. Unless I was just sleepy and stupid - highly possible. "Are we going to visit Remus?"

Roman perked up slightly hearing his brother's name. Janus and Patton looked at each other and simultaneously nodded. "Yes, we are."

Patton smirked sitting closer to watch my eyes go heavy and sleep overtake me again. "Aww - such a platonic cutie." The last sensation I could feel was him squeezing my cheek. "We'll visit Remus tomorrow - Let Logie get his energy back."

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now