11am Monday

416 28 15

Virgil took a deep breath as he and I walked down the steps. We mirrored each other with our hoodies, biting the top of the sleeve and listening in. I could hear laughing and whispering from the kitchen, the famILY were making lunch together - including Janus. I lead the walk to the kitchen with Virgil trailing behind. "What are we making?"

"Looks like we're making love!" Roman screamed, appearing behind us and grabbing Virgil's shoulders, making him quickly turn and hiss. "How was your special night together? You're up late - Janus told me you shared a bed!" Virgil's eyes widened and the hissing stopped abruptly.

"Janus was looking?" He screamed, his face becoming red as he looked around frantically. Janus sipped his tea calmly, leaning on the fridge and the neighbouring counter watching the situation unfold. "Better question - WHY was he looking?"

"Roman was just giving me a tour of the rooms - nothing racy." He took another sip of his tea and handed me the empty cup. "Clean that for me ru-b*tch cube." He pat my shoulder and helped Patton cut sandwiches and mix salad. I did as said quickly and silently. Virgil sighed, looking down and then climbing on the counter to squeeze on the windowsill next to where I was standing.

"For your information - b*tch - We didn't have another option. I felt bad for making Virgil sleep on the floor, so I offered the alternative and he took it. I was going to ask Roman for him to make a second bed in my room before I was rudely interrupted." I finished cleaning the mug Janus gave me and handed it back to him, soaking wet with the bubbles falling on his perfectly clean glove. "And also Roman, for your information, 'making love' is a psudenym for sexual activity."

"Since when did the Teacher up the sass factor?" Janus said over the shocked Roman noises.

"Since you upped the annoyance factor - I guess..." Virgil mumbled finally, getting a snack from the fridge but staying where he sat. "I do need another bed in Lo's room though - asap."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Roman sighed once he finished his meal, sitting on the small table in the kitchen and flicking through interior design books. "I'll make Virgil's spare bed, then Janus' room..." Roman sighed. I had never seen Roman so overwhelmed with work; nor had I ever seen him with any work to do.

"And then we can work on Logie's brain right? Get his memory back..." Everyone paused and turned to Patton; Roman and Virgil glaring at him and Janus raising an eyebrow and looking at me. No-one said anything for a few minutes, watching each other to see who would first make the move towards explaining my vulnerable situation to this new housemate. From what Virgil told me, Janus was very manipulative when he wanted to be, so knowing that I could be told a complete lie and believe it with enough evidence could destroy any trust we had developed with him. I hated being vulnerable.

"Logan has amnesia?" Janus said slowly, walking towards me and placing the cup he was holding down. He didn't seem threatening in that one moment, his face seemed gentle and kind. Maybe that was a ploy though, lull me into a full sense of security. "And no-one told me?"

"Because you're not one of us two-dickhead." Virgil dragged me back, stepping in front of me and giving Janus a deadly glare. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, bringing me to his chest where I could feel the pulsing of his chest get quicker. "Just leave us alone alright? Once you have your room just stay there and leave my friends alone."

Janus stepped back wide eyed before I piped up again. "Is that... fair Verge?" Virgil paused and stared at me. "I know your past with Janus but - maybe he can actually help us..." I looked at Janus for a moment with a look of hope, the two of them finally reconciling would be good for Thomas after all, and Thomas needed a keep-me-up seeming I was almost useless.

"I can actually."

"You can? Did you cause this Jekyll and Lies?" Roman stood hearing this, also standing in front of my to 'protect' me as if he had an effect. Janus sighed and approached Patton, whispering his ear as we tried to listen in. Patton had been unusally quiet throughout this, probably watching our teething issues with no idea how to stop it without causing more arguments. He was the first to accept Janus after all.

"If you don't want to listen to me, Patton can explain it to you..." Janus then stepped back, lowered his head into a bow, and walked out of the kitchen. Patton sighed as Virgil and Roman stepped away from me so Patton could see all three of us as he spoke.

"In order to keep Remus - slightly sane - Janus erases his memory when he gets too erratic. He did so almost a week ago, but he messed it up a little and it escaped the Dark area..." We all looked at each other confused before Patton spoke again. "The way he gets Remus' memories back is by uploading them. He gets the memories off me, and I have memories for all of you. That's how we sort this."

"So you had the answer all along Pat? And you didn't say as soon as you knew?" Virgil finally growled, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Patton could only sigh as Janus stood by the door again. "You know what - f*ck it - let's get Logan's memories back." He grabbed my hand and lead me out, pushing Janus out the room as he passed.


Get ready for access to Logan's old memories! I'll try to write those chapters quicker - sorry for the slow updates.

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