Memory 4 - Reunion

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Memory Uploading...

It took what I would suppose to be a few months for Virgil to appear in my memories again. I would assume it was only a few months anyway, there were no important birthdays to organise but a lot of revision and work I needed to do for Thomas' end of college exams while the sun got brighter and the weather outside warmer. How Anxiety eventually came to me was not something I quite expected though.

I walked into my room, reading a book as I always was, before I heard quiet cries. Sometimes Morality or Red Creativity would cry over spilt milk (literally) in a room they believed to be empty so they wouldn't be disturbed. But after a short scan of the room, I saw no-one - and I hadn't told either of them about the hide-out behind my bookshelf. It wasn't until I pulled the bookshelf back I spotting the crying, shaking ball in the corner - Anxiety.

"Leave..." I heard the small whine as Anxiety backed himself more against the wall. He shakily put on his headphones as I sat opposite, but turned on his phone to realise it had too low a battery. I took a breath before getting my phone charger out from my bedside chest of drawers and plugging it into the wall beside him. Anxiety took the charger but not before giving me a death glare. "You're such a c^cktease Logic. I hate you."

I could only sigh at that. I loved him, I did. I wanted to kiss him, but alas this was still a memory I needed to let play out. "You were all red and looking at me and I thought you wanted it but you just embarrassed me!" Anxiety shouted as he started crying again. I shuffled up to him and gave him a large hug, and surprisingly he didn't pull away but instead leant in so the side of his head lay on my chest.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me..." I stroked Anxiety's hair and watched him smile. He then looked up at me thinking for a moment - I wanted him to kiss me and memory me to actually do something about it. But he didn't kiss me, instead, he spoke.

"You know Thomas does that... Vine?" He whispered. "Can I maybe be in a few of those clips?"

"Well..." I thought for a moment, staring at the wall. "It would be very difficult to get that past Morality, as Red Creativity is in charge of all that kind of thing. You would have to live in the house again." Anxiety mumbled sadly, getting comfier by lying his head on my lap. "But I'm sure we could try." Anxiety's eyes started to glow and his smile became wide. I missed him so much. He then stood and held out a hand to help me up.

"Let's reintroduce myself then - best friend."


Memory Uploading...

It did take a few weeks for Morality to get used to having Anxiety around again. But eventually Morality did warm up to him, realising he wasn't being treated right by the Dark Sides and him being with the Dark Sides wasn't helpful for Thomas. Morality then became the cheery paternal figure he was before, adopting Anxiety as his figurative son and making him feel comfortable even while Red Creativity was insulting him - obviously upset about how Anxiety was quickly welcomed back but the 'completely innocent' Green Creativity was still trapped wherever the Dark Sides had settled.

But soon weeks of memories turned into months of memories, and months of memories became years. And soon it was the glorious year of 2020, or the present day. Well - it was as close to present day as these memories would go due to my amnesia. It was the first memory in which I relived the entire day, from menial tasks like chosing which book to read to bigger events like Thomas visiting that day.

It soon became evening. The environment had started to calm and we all sat watching a movie. I believe it was Gnomeo and Juliet, or some variant of an overly cheery meant-to-be-tragedy done in a way suitable and enjoyable for 4 year olds. Roman and Patton sat on beanbags - one red and one light blue - I sat on the sofa with my legs crossed and Virgil was perched above me in what only he could consider a comfortable position. My eyes started to droop around 10pm, only about a third way through the movie, but I closed the book I was reading. "I should... go up to bed." I yawned, the others turned to me and gave me a polite smirk.

"You can never watch a full movie can you Lo?" Roman sighed, but let me leave anyway. I walked up the stairs slowly and got changed before getting into bed.

I lay down on my side and covered myself with my blanket. There must have been a window open somewhere or something, as it was slowly getting gradually colder. But I couldn't do anything about it, or didn't want to as sleep dust lined my eyes and crawled on my eyelashes. I was disturbed though by Patton's voice.

"I got you some tea Logie-Bear - sleep well." Patton's chirpy voice echoed. Weirdly though I couldn't hear any footsteps as Patton must have walked in and out, but I just dismissed it as my hearing entering the world of dreams before my other senses.

As I went to sleep I smelt a delightful citrus smell - maybe from the tea. It made me smile slightly as the world faded to complete black and silence. I don't know if I dreamed that night but I knew that my slideshow of memories had finally come to an end.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now