7pm Sunday

501 33 27

Above is a logo for a charity club I'm going to start at my university this September just in case you're interested.


Dinner was as it usually was. I learnt quickly to not expect much from this house of mismatched friends apart from the occasional fire in the kitchen or argument over a Disney movie that resulted in a sofa cushion being 'yeeted' at another individual. Dinner times were especially monotone - people had usually run out of energy by then to cause any major arguments or life altering discussions, so conversations only got as interesting as whether it was socially acceptable to pour milk and then cereal or whether it was true that all toast landed spreading side then resulting experimentation of all the bread in the house with a disregard of who would want toast for breakfast the next morning.

Usually in times like this I analysed everyone's behaviours to get small hints of how I should act around them. The pressure of keeping that up had decreased as they all knew I had no idea what I was doing, but I had started doing it subconsciously. It even got to the point I could identify Roman's slight nervousness by the way he looked up at the ceiling lamp and twirled his fork in his hand anti-clockwise then clockwise before eating again. He did that before asking Virgil on a date and I considered it odd, and then again this dinner time.

Virgil also looked at me for one second more than usual, and twice as frequently. Maybe he was nervous about sleeping in my room tonight - or that his previous enemy would overtake his personal space for however long it took to create an entirely new room. He would only stop for an infinitesimal amount, his lips separating slightly and one eyebrow - usually on the side closest to me - lifting before he'd do one gentle shake of his head and carry on eating. I loved seeing it honestly - it was so cute when he did it.

Did I just call Virgil cute? He's not cute. Definitely didn't mean to think that.

The door opened and shut quietly as we were cleaning the plates up after we ate. "Jany!" Patton squealed, running up to a yellow snake hybrid and hugging him. The hybrid gave Patton a confused glare before giving a defeated yet satisfied shrug and accepting it. "Have you got all your luggage with you? We'll get everything ready in Virgil's room, you're sleeping there tonight." Patton grabbed the golden suitcase Janus was dragging with him and walked upstairs, Roman also helping with a few bags. Janus was about to follow suit before Thomas stood and walked up to him.

"Come and have some leftover fish casserole with us Janus." Thomas guided Janus to the table and sat him down. Virgil and I looked at each other momentarily, I gave a confused glance but Virgil's was definitely more anxious. I could tell he wasn't liking our new resident. I grabbed his hand in reassurance and squeezed it, letting Virgil let out a quiet deep breath.

"Well, well, well... You weren't kidding Thomathy." Janus mumbled as the fish casserole was placed in front of him. "They really are a couple huh?" Thomas let out a small chuckle as he sat with us. Virgil immediately let go of my hand.

"I can assure you we're not." I said, revealing both my hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. "Virgil and I are just very good friends, and he's been very nervous about your arrival."

"Oh of course he has - He's worried he won't be the spweshal wittle Dwark Swide!" Virgil kept his head down, shaking his head and trying to grab my hand again under the table even though neither was hidden then. Thomas sighed and gave Janus a glare, and Janus lifted his eyebrows in realisation. "Guess I need to get rid of my old habits while I'm here."

Thomas sighed and nodded. "We know this would be difficult for both of you to live peacefully - but you can at least try, right?" Virgil and Janus nodded simultaneously. "Good, now it's getting late. I'm going to head home." Thomas stood and yawned, moving his shoulders back slightly and walking to the door. "I'll tell y'all when I next visit, later." And just like that Thomas opened the door and disappeared into the night in search of his own house.

"C-can you show me where I'm sleeping Lo?" Virgil whispered with his head still down, so quiet that I had to lean closer to him to hear his voice. After I heard what he said I nodded and Virgil stood and left. I said a quick goodbye to Janus before following.


"I can sleep on the floor Sherlock. It's no biggie." Virgil said, louder and more confident now there wasn't a snake listening to him. "I'll sleep on the other side of the room so we're not invading each other's personal bubbles, that pile of clothes is mine as I don't want to mix it up with yours and we both reach for the drawer handle at the same time and we awkwardly hold hands and..." Virgil kept on rambling, his hand waving through his hair and his breathing travelling all the way through his body so his back was in synch with his breaths. I, meanwhile, battled his clothing pile placing his clothes the same way I stored mine. Virgil was still distracted.

"You're over-reacting Virgil. You can take my bed for tonight - as you obviously need - and I can ask Roman for a second bed tomorrow morning." Virgil snapped into action quickly hearing that, and grabbed one of the t-shirts I was packing away.

"No, no Logan. I want to sleep on the floor - I prefer it - Like a cat in a heatwave..."

"So you're like a cat then?" I smirked, taking the t-shirt back watching Virgil's face turn a slight crimson. I smoothed out the end of my bed while Virgil silently kept his eyes on me. "Do you sleep in a ball Virgil?" Virgil nodded. "Then sleep at the end of my bed. My feet won't reach you, but you can move up if you'd like." And with a wink I got into bed.

What the f^^^ was I doing? Me, flirting? Never.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now