Memory 1 - Meeting

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90s fashion is the picture above, luckily I didn't have to live through that.


Memory Uploading...

I was placed in another entirely new situation. At first, I thought I had somehow got amnesia again until I heard a familiar voice of Roman and Patton. Well, it was familiar somewhat but not completely - the voices were slightly higher pitched. Vision eventually started to focus and I could understand the surroundings.

The wallpaper was covered in small pink flowers unlike the plain cream it usually was and the floor was patterned carpet covered by an atrocious red and yellow rug. The TV was a small box and there was a record player in the corner rather than the family Nintendo Switch. Patton and Roman walked in together, both had gelled spikey hair and baggy denim jeans. Roman wore a green t-shirt and an oversized red plaid shirt on his shoulders whereas Patton wore a plain white t-shirt and a denim jacket. Roman also had white stripes on two sides of his hair and growing facial hair around the moustache area. His voice also didn't sound at all the same, it was more snarky that felt more similar to nails on a chalkboard. I then looked down at my own outfit that had changed to a dark blue waistcoat and black shirt. We all looked a lot younger too - but I couldn't put my finger on how old.

But one thing was definite - this was the 90s.

"Who are you?" Roman echoed turning to me. "Morality - does the whole starting 7th grade thing bring any new Sides?" Roman then turned to Patton, somehow only called Morality - which made Roman Creativity and me, Logic.

"Mhm!" Patton cheered and walked over to shake my hand. "You must be Logic correct? You'll basically help Thomas learn now school's getting harder - does that sound good?"

"Um, thank you..." I said quietly, my prepubescent voice peering through. It felt lonely, the room previously had five people in and out at one time but now it seemed to be just us three. "Where's the homework?"

My vision then became slightly fuzzy again, and everything went into fast forward. I watched Patton and Roman wonder in and out the living room, their fashion and the design of the room only changing slightly. I turned my head to the coffee table that appeared in front of me as my body aged and began to enter puberty. Flashcards and projects also materialised in front of me as time started to slow again placing us around 14 years old.

Memory Uploading...

I looked through the flashcards in front of me on the Civil War, all dates and numbers I remembered from freshman year of high school but hadn't cared to properly maintain the information. The situation I had to learn these facts weren't exactly quiet however, Creativity wouldn't shut up.

"I'm telling you Morality, the audition was so easy. I mean it's Midsummer Nights Dream! How can we go wrong with Shakespeare of all people?" Creativity threw himself on the sofa with his head hitting my leg making us both flinch slightly as I moved further away. "And that Bottom song they made us sing - Such a simple tune - Really..." He then started singing in a raspy pubescent voice that obviously didn't match Thomas' stage in puberty. Morality hummed a little to encourage him but was also struggling to stand Creativity's singing voice.

"Can you be quiet?" I whispered, glaring at Creativity before turning back to my flashcards. "I think Thomas has an exam soon..."

"Exam shmaxam - Who cares? We're in the school play!" Creativity sat up and faced me, before sighing and messing up all the revision in front of me while I tried to grab what he was holding to make it stop. "Look at all this - we could spend this time learning lines for our first rehearsal rather than this stupid war."

"Don't argue you two." Morality said sharply, walking over to organise my flashcards again and shoo Creativity out of the way. "This American History exam is still important, as all of Thomas' schooling is."

"Why?" Creativity whined and lay down again. Morality was about to answer before another voice erupted across the room.

"If he drops out, he can never be in any plays again - let alone Broadway."

Creativity sat up silently, looking around confused. I followed the voice also, finding a new yet reassuring silhouette by the entrance to the living room. His hair was the classic emo fringe, dark makeup around his eyes and wearing ripped black jeans and a Fall Out Boy shirt - certainly a more modern look than Creativity, Morality and I. His face showed an absolute lack of emotion, maybe slight anger, no happiness in sight. "Anxiety. And it's time for you to shut your bloody mouth and let Thomas learn."

Creativity nodded silently. "Oh! It's a new Side - finally!" Morality stood up and walked over to Anxiety to give him a hug. Anxiety cowered away from the hug and scowled, ignoring Morality's hurt face as he sat next to me. Morality sighed. "I'll make you a welcome cake kiddo - Can you help me Creativity?" Creativity nodded silently again and walked with Morality into the kitchen.

"You're the famous Logic? It's nice to finally meet you." Anxiety mumbled to me, his voice becoming more gentle than when he was demanding Creativity to care about Thomas' education. "Now - Focus on your work and absorb all the information. If you do as much as move your head I'll startle you."

I laughed slightly and nodded. This memory was also weird, yet very comfortable now that my best friend was next to me. With the new names, the new looks, the 90s surroundings - yet it felt homely. Virgil's eyes hadn't changed, their glimmer remained there even under the dark eyeshadow. Time sped up again watching the world transform, the room becoming less 90s and more 2000s as we grew just by simply Virgil's presence, and our clothing fitting the same era as Virgil's too as the surroundings began to completely fade into black.

(COMPLETE) I am Logan Sanders - Sanders Sides fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now