Citrus Smell

315 21 16

Hey all!
Sorry, this took so long - there was a lot of uni things to get through like accommodation and grades to enrol.
Hopefully I'd be more regular from now on.


"Remus - What happens when I put the amnesia on you?" Janus spoke seriously, crossing one leg over his knee and making a cup of tea appear as he couldn't bother to get up and make one himself. Remus and Roman were too distracted to listen at first with their bobbing, giggling to each other while waving their matching swords. "Remus?" Janus eventually had to say louder, a deep growl in his voice

"How would I remember if it's an amnesia thing?" Remus stopped bobbing and tilted his head. Janus was about to correct himself before Remus began screaming. "YOU KNOW WHAT SOUNDS LIKE AMNESIA? ANA-"

"This is serious Remus!" Janus screamed back, his face reddening as he leant forwards with his powerful shout. "After your amnesia, I always upload your memories into you again via Patton's memory box. What is that experience like for you?"

Remus paused, and there was finally silence. "It's... citrus."

Everyone obviously spotting my face lightening up at that. I smiled and watched Remus intensely while he tried to remember more. "You usually give it as a drink don't you? It didn't work last time..."

"What do you mean it didn't work last time?" Janus and I echoed each other.

Remus only shrugged. "Last week Janus threatened to use the amnesia on me to stop my chaotic vibing, went into the kitchen to make the tea, once he finished he told me it was on the table but it wasn't there when I looked."

"So the citrus smell didn't affect you?" Janus mumbled as Remus nodded. "But why did you pass out?"

"I hit myself with my mace!" Remus said, proudly and with an excited gleam. Janus could only tilt his head and emit surprised snake noises while I heard Virgil next to me quietly giggle. It was the first time I saw Virgil smile in his old house, enjoying the chaos of his old roommates. When I turned my head to see Virgil his face immediately dropped and he leant closer to me. He definitely wasn't one to show emotion.

"Didn't you say something about a tea Logie?" Patton eventually mumbled. Janus' face immediately glowed in realisation, he stared at me in disbelief. "Did you drink it?" I shook my head with a confused glance. Janus looked even more shocked, staring at Patton before speaking slowly.

"One of us stole the tea - and made it more effective... Who?"


At first the discussion after that question was quiet. Roman and Remus exchanged stories and gifts sitting on a fuzzy black carpet like two children; Patton and Janus were arguing, albeit quietly but it was still obvious they had conflicting ideas on how to find out which person stole and gave me the tea. Remus could always be lying about the tea 'disappearing' when Janus left and instead gave it to me; Roman and I always butted heads so it could have been some bad prank in his mind; Patton could be lying about sleeping and used the amnesia to get with me - as he knew the effect; Janus could give me the tea as it helped him live with the Light Sides again; and Virgil...

I knew I relied too much on Virgil. Even with my memory back in order I preferred to stay close to him, as if a voice inside was telling me he knew the answer to every single question I could think of. Maybe he did know more than he was letting on. Maybe he was pretending to be all nervous and scared and protective over me just as a show, maybe this was all planned. He could have realised that I held the 'power' before the amnesia, I spoke strongly and determined everytime I opened my mouth, I wasn't scared of confrontation if I was correct - even the way I stood showed confidence with my perfect posture. The amnesia made that all flip. He held the power over me as I realised our friendship from a more third person view, and I became more scared about losing him. Could he have given me the tea so he could have a chance of breaking down my walls and seeing my imperfections?

"Why are you staring?" Virgil's voice erupted in my ear again as he held my shoulders staring at me concerned. "Are you OK? Still tired or something?" I only could quietly nod, damn acquiescence bias making me constantly agree with whatever face was in front of me.

Virgil stood quickly, packing away his fold-up chair and speaking. "Logan's tired, I'll head home with him." Janus quickly turned his head, his cape doing a similar sway to face my and Virgil's direction. 

"I thought we came to sort this out Virgil." Janus snapped, his 's' enunciated like the hissing snake half of him was. "I know your memories here aren't the best but if you escape it just makes you look more suspicious."  

It was silence again without Patton and Janus' arguing in the background. Virgil didn't respond to cause another argument, only glared and sat down next to me again. He could sense I was about to say something and butted in. "Yes I hate it here. No, you're not knowing why."

"Well... I think it is time for all of us to head back..." Patton piped up, walking towards us and shooting a chirpy smile at Virgil. Patton hated arguments, unless he was in that argument specifically against Janus and only then did he show determination to win it. Everyone nodded in silence and stood, packing away and saying our last goodbyes to Remus.

"Don't you want to stay for dinner? I captured a chicken to eat..." Remus still sat on the floor, staring at us with adorable yet slightly demented puppy-dog eyes. A faint chicken was heard in the background probably coming from the kitchen. 

"I think we'll skip Re. Thanks though!" Patton chirped, letting us all escape through the door and go home to let Remus kill the chicken alone.

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