One day earlier...

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Kristof's pov

"You can just dump it all over there. I can manage the rest myself." Jace and Georgie put the last boxes down and flop on to the couch. "Thanks for all the help, guys. I'm so glad I managed to get the move sorted before the summer break. I won't have to worry about summer storage prices anymore."

I hand them both a cold beer and look around my new place. It's really not much but it's mine. The rent is easily affordable with the evening job I've secured at a local tapas and cocktail local bar for next semester. I can also pick up some shifts during the next two weeks before I head home for the summer. I can't wait to go home. I miss Nick so much and I'm gutted I'm going to be stuck here for another two weeks before Jace and I head home. I'm so grateful he'll be giving me a lift back to our little English hometown. Even if it's going to take roughly two days to drive all the way up and getting the ferry over the channel. I wonder whether Nick will be back in England before me. He has his last exam tomorrow morning, so for all I know he could be flying back any time this week.

God, I can't wait to be with him. Since we basically confessed our feelings for eachother three weeks ago, it's been total torture being limited to phone and video calls. I want to hold him, kiss him, feel him against me... under me... on me... shit, I don't even care, as long as we're together.

Fuck, just thinking about him is giving me a boner and I let out an uncomfortable groan.

"You alright there, buddy?" Jace chuckles, pointing his bottle towards my crotch. "You thinking about Nickyboy again?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and Georgie laughs.

I chuckle and shake my head. "So guys, what do you say I order pizza tomorrow evening? As a thank you for the help with the move. I can have it delivered for 7pm. That'll give us time to get ready and head over to the party after that. Sound good?"

Georgie and Jace both nod eagerly and finish their beers before leaving my apartment. My apartment. Shit. I just can't get over how awesome that sounds.

Daniela, my heaven-sent new friend, has spent the last three days cleaning the place and sorting stuff out for me. She finished her exams four or five days ago and offered to help because she was bored. How could I refuse? I can't wait to spend my first night at my own apartment tonight. I only have a mattress to sleep on because my bed won't be delivered until next week but I do have a clean bathroom and a virtually new couch I inherited from the previous owner who bought it just before moving out and didn't want to take it with him. I also have a functioning kitchen with a splendidly full fridge thanks to Daniela who went food shopping for me earlier today and prepared a tuna-pasta bake that just needs to be popped in the oven for a bit. I swear that girl is most definitely marriage material. Or mummy material. Or both.

In the past weeks, she's moved from fellow classmate to BFF status and I swear she knows my entire life story now... and she has, of course, had her fair share of Nick stories as well. She knows that I finally revealed my feelings to him and that I'm anxiously waiting to see him again when I go home. Two more weeks... I can do this!

At least I have some means of distraction coming up. With exams coming to a close, there are loads of  finals parties happening all week. Georgie's girlfriend, Sofia, is hosting a big one at her parents' house tomorrow night. Like Georgie, she's a third-year student and is celebrating her upcoming graduation with a big bash whilst her parents are away. I have a feeling it's going to be messy.

And right now, I need messy.
A welcome distraction.

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