New girl

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Kristof's pov

I flop down on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief. I handed my German literary translation assignment in this morning and then had an early lunch at the student art café. Knackered and well-fed, I'm more than ready for a nap before my 2pm Spanish literature class. It's not like I can procrastinate on my phone or laptop anyway... shit, that reminds me, I really need to get in touch with mum.

The lady at the student finance office said I could apply for an additional student loan or maybe even get a small monthly bursary seeing as I'm a high averaging student. But it still wouldn't cover all expenses in one go. With the heaviest exam and assignment period of the year coming up, I really need to get a new laptop a.s.a.p. The new phone will have to wait, as fucked up as it all is. God, I could really use a magical genie in my life right now who would be kind enough to grant me a wish or two. I shake my head and giggle to myself as I close my eyes.

Loud knocking at my door startles me awake. I look at my alarm clock and swear loudly. 1.50pm. Fuck, I'm going to be late again. I jump out of bed and tear the door open. I'm greeted by a pretty blonde that I vaguely recognise...

"Uh, hi..?" I say tentatively whilst jumping into my shoes and grabbing my textbooks and bag before stepping out and closing the door behind me. "Can I help you?"

"Hi Kristof. Want to walk to Spanish class together?" Ah. So she's in my class. Now I feel bad. "It's an outdoor class just outside the library today, doesn't that sound fun?" She giggles.

"Uh sure... so, um, do you live in my student dorm block, errrr...".

"Daniela", she offers. Thankfully, she doesn't seem offended by the fact that I'm totally clueless as to who she is or what she's doing here. "Yeah, I live four doors up from you. Oh, I ... um... wanted to say I'm sorry about the breakup." Wow, good news sure travels fast around here. "And if you ever need anything...". I raise an eyebrow and she immediately bursts out laughing. "Oh my God, not like that, oh fuck, no, ewww!" More hysterical laughing. Wow, yeah ok, that makes me feel desirable as fuck...

Once she catches her breath, she giggles one last time and pats me on the shoulder. "Kristof, honey, we play for very different teams, you and I. You wouldn't believe just how different. Although, not gonna lie, my gaydar is still giving me mixed signals about you...", she mumbles the last part almost inaudibly but I catch it anyway.

"What are... um, what?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... forget I said anything...", she smiles shaking her head.

"You...thought I was gay?" I gasp in disbelief... but all admit, I'm more intrigued than shocked by this and am defo willing to hear her out.

"Uh... well, yes and no. I mean, every time I saw you out and about with your girlfriend, it looked so... I dunno... put on... unnatural. I mean, you're both beautiful people and looked good together I guess... but you didn't really look good  together. I'm sorry, I'm not making sense, am I?" I merely shrug and she continues, dropping her voice to a whisper as we approach our fellow classmates. "So anyway, I guess it just made me think you weren't really into her... but then the more I saw you, the more I figured that maybe you just weren't really into girls... but I was probably misinterpreting. It's also really none of my business, sorry" she mumbles.

"No... um... no... it's fine..."

I wonder who else noticed...

Arriving at the grassy space next to the library building, we sit down and I pull out my book and notepad. As the class starts, my thoughts quickly wander away from neo-Victorian Spanish horror stories to the beautiful boy with long black hair and piercing blue eyes, making my heart rate pick up a notch.

I sigh and look over to Daniela who is smiling at me. I sigh again and lean over to whisper in her ear. "Also... I think... there is probably nothing wrong with your gaydar..."

She just winks and giggles quietly. What a girl. I love her already.

Now, back to my daydreaming...

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