Saturday night shopping

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Nick's pov

My phone buzzes just as I am about to step into the shower.

Messenger notification... from Kris? Huh, he never uses Messenger... but ok...

I can't help but shake my head and laugh as I read about his week... I mean, I feel really bad for him but it's also kinda hilarious... so much bad luck in one go? You couldn't make this shit up, I swear.

I reply to him, wishing I could somehow help him.

Nick Benson:
Dude!!! You're aliiiiive :)))))))))
You honestly had me fucking worried!
And yeah, library computers suck but well done on getting your assignment done ;)
Really sucks that your phone and laptop have decided to gang up on you at the same time!! Hope you manage to sort everything out a.s.a.p.
I really wish I could help.
Take care buddy ;)

I miss you so fucking much.

I really want to ask what happend with Mel but decide against it. It's none of my business and he'll tell me when he's ready I guess. I hit send and put my phone down and finally go for my shower.

The hot water feels great and my thoughts drift to Kris again. If only I could help in some way... wait, I've got it! I smile to myself and turn the water off before wrapping a towel around my waist.

First, I need to text his mum, just in case Kris tells her about the phone and laptop mishaps too... next, I text Jace. Turns out he lives in the same student block as Kris, so hopefully he'll be able to help me out with what I have planned.

He answers 15 minutes later and I drop his dorm address into the designated tabs and click the button. Boom, order done! Now it all just needs to get there as quickly as possible... and hopefully he will accept it. I mean, he's never been one to reject gifts per se, but I don't know how he'll feel about this... shit, I hope it doesn't offend him... but he does need the stuff and it's the quickest and easiest way... especially if he and his parents are short of cash again. I know his university studies are financially hard on his family and I just want to make sure he has everything he needs... besides, I'm using daddy's gold card. I got his ok before putting my plan into action. I never buy anything for myself and this won't even put a dent in this account.

Of course, all of this isn't entirely selfless on my part either. I admit, I'm being a tad bit selfish. Now I'll be able to get in touch with him every day again. I miss him so much. 

Honestly, the breakup alone must be shitty enough for him to deal, especially now just before the exam period...

God, I really wish I could fly down to Madrid to be there for him and just get him out of his dorm to distract him from his heartbreak but we've both got those bloody exams coming up...

I text Jace to tell him that everything is on the way and should be arriving on Monday or Tuesday. Once the parcels arrive at his dorm, he is going to hand-deliver them to Kris, along with a huge box of Capt'n Cookie chocolate and nut brownies. Thanks to Google, I was able to find one right in the centre of Madrid and Jace will be picking up my prepaid order on Monday afternoon right after his classes.

Oh yeah, it's all coming together. I really hope Kris will be happy about his surprise.

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