Wednesday night pleasures

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Kristof's pov

Wait... he's not... is he?  Could it be...

"Your first time... ever...?"

Blushing and avoiding my gaze, Nick just replies with a shy nod.

What? But how?

"But how... ? You're like... the greatest guy in the world... with the most handsome face ever... the body of a Greek God... an unbelievably scrumptious dick... oh, and let's not forget that you're simply hot as fuck and bloody perfect in every single way... and every girl was after you back in high school..." I trail off, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Ok... let's pretend for a second that I am all those things... which I'm definitely not... does being 'hot as fuck' automatically mean that I have to be a slut?" Nick chuckles, raising a brow.

"N-no... no... um, of course not. I'm just surprised, that's all... I can't say I'm unhappy about it though... I mean...", I start kissing up the side of his neck before reaching his ear and giving it a playful nibble. "It kinda turns me on even more" I kiss his cheek, "knowing that I'll be the first to enjoy your perfect body," I kiss his neck "to take you to places you've never been," I kiss his shoulder "to make love to you" I kiss his stomach "and make you scream my name so often that you forget your own", I whisper before giving his half-hard shaft a long lick.

"Oh fuck, baby, you drive me crazy", he moans, as I swirl my tongue around his pierced tip before taking his full length in to my mouth. Fuck, I just can't get enough of him.

"Baby, I...oh fuck... baby, I want to... ngh, oh God, that feels so good...", he moans, thrusting his hips. "Baby, please, I want to make you feel good too... let me... please", he pants. Well, who am I to refuse...

He grabs my shoulders and pushes me down on to the carpet, covering my whole body with kisses. As he reaches my balls, he gives them a long and firm lick, his piercing causing additional tingles throughout my body. "Jesus fuck, that feels amazing", I moan loudly when he sucks my entire sack in to his mouth. At this rate, I'm not gonna last long at all and I grab a fistful of his long dark hair to somehow try to ground myself. He slowly moves towards my dick and I almost blow my load right in to his mouth when he takes all of me in with one swift motion and starts to eagerly slide his lips and sexy tongue up and down my hardness. He briefly pulls away from my dick to suck on his fingers and before I can even question what he's doing, his mouth is working me to perfection again, as one of his fingers starts teasing my hole. I cry out when he starts pushing through the tight ring of muscle. Ugh, this feels weird. He quickly starts pumping his finger in and out, albeit gently, so he doesn't hurt me. Mmh, this feels good. He soon adds a second and third finger... and ends up touching a sensitive spot inside me. Fuck, his feels reeeeaaaally good. When he keeps hitting the spot, I almost pass out from pleasure. "Oh fuck babe, yes! Right there!" I scream, rocking my hips and biting my lip, trying to grab the carpet under me to somehow stop me from floating away. Fuck. I can't do this any longer.

Gently pulling him back up to me, I draw him in to a deep kiss. "Nick,", I moan softly against his lips, rolling my hips, rubbing my erection against his. "Please, Nick. I need you... inside me... right now."

Nick smiles and nods eagerly before standing up, lifting me off the floor and carrying me back to the couch. "We need lube and a condom", he pants against my temple but I shake my head. "I'm more than ready for you, babe... and I never had unprotected sex with Melanie, so-"

Nick cuts me off with a fiery kiss and places himself comfortably between my legs, his hardness continuing to grind against mine, slicking himself up with all the precum that's bubbling out of both our dicks.

He suddenly shifts and, as he lines himself up and slowly starts to push in, he kisses me hard and passionately. The distraction works and soon enough, he is buried balls-deep inside me, driving me absolutely wild with long powerful thrusts, his piercing grazing my pleasure spot every single time. "Oh fuck yes, babe, right there... uuuuh, yeah, just like that!" I cry and I know that I'm already dangerously close to the edge.

"Fuck baby, you feel amazing", Nick moans against my shoulder before picking up the pace and adding more power to his thrusts. I twist my body and flip us round so that he is sitting on the couch and I am back on his lap. "Oh hell yeah, ride me, baby", Nick growls, cupping my asscheeks firmly and burying himself deeper inside me. I start gyrating my hips, whilst bouncing up and down on him as the pressure builds up. Just minutes later, my balls give in and I'm coating both our stomachs and chests just as he shoots his load into me, filling me up with his liquid heat. Holy damn, this feels fucking fantastic.

After a seemingly endless kiss, he shuffles us over and eventually pulls out of me. Laying down next to me, he pulls me tightly against him and I nuzzle his neck. "That was amazing, Nick. You are the most amazing lover ever... a fucking natural", I whisper before giving him a soft peck on the lips.

"This may have been my first time... but in my dreams, we've done all this at least a thousand times before", he chuckles and winks at me. "Come on, baby. Let's go shower."

Well, if you insist...

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