Wednesday night playtime

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Hey luvvies,
A couple of readers messaged me saying they were confused by some of the random time skips... turns out some of you hadn't read all the chapters ;)
Just as a reminder, I've been posting 1-2 chapters per day, so do make sure you catch them all ;) Especially all the 'Wednesday' stiff - I mean stuff - as that's where things get interesting :p
We're also now 2 chapters or so away form the ending. I kinda don't want to end their story but , ya know, it's time ;)

New A/N:  So I've contracted the last 2 chapters into one long one, it just worked better that way. There will just be an epilogue after this... maybe... but  yeah, this is the last chapter... but don't worry, I made it extra long and naughty for you... ;)

Kei x

Dedicated to JayceeGardepe
my number one (and undoubtedly only) fan :-*

Nick's pov

As soon as we step under the hot water, Kris pushes me up against the wall, kissing me hard and squeezing my pecs firmly. I'm crazy hard for him again and, judging by the boner he's sporting, I'd say that he's definitely-

"Up for another round too, babe?" Kris moans against lips.

"You read my mind", I chuckle and give his bottom lip a gentle nibble, twirling us around and pressing him against the wall before kissing my way down his neck, his nipples and his stomach, occasionally biting his skin softly along the way until I reach his light blond happy trail. When my knees hit the shower floor, my hand is already working his hard cock with slow but firm strokes, whilst I give his leaking tip some tentative licks.

"Jesus fuck, your tongue.... ngh... feels so... good". Kris pants heavily, throwing his head back against the tiles and arching his back. God, he's so fucking beautiful. I wrap my lips around his cock and slowly start bobbing my head to the rhythm of my hand. Please, please, please let this feel good to him.

I'm rewarded with a loud moan, and when Kris places his hand on my head and starts moving in sexy shallow thrusts, a growl rips out of my throat as I take all of him into my mouth and start sucking him off with more and more vigor whilst my hand moves down to his heavy balls, kneading them firmly.

"Uuuuh, fuck, Nick... you feel, uuuuuh... I'm not gonna last...", Kris cries just before tensing up and shooting down my throat. Without hesitation, I eagerly swallow it all and continue to play with his balls, milking him until his knees give way. I manage to catch him before he hits the floor and hold him tightly against me whilst he breathes heavily in to my shoulder.

"God, Nick, that was... your tongue... you... wow... fuck...", he barely manages between pants.

"I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to make you feel good, too", I whisper in to his ear and kiss his temple.

"Understatement of the year but whatever works for you", Kris chuckles and gets to his feet, pulling me up and turning the shower off. He grabs a towel and quickly rubs us both dry before leading me to his bedroom. There's no bed but he has a decent-sized mattress on the floor... I can work with that.

"Get comfy. My turn again now." Kris giggles behind me and gently nudges me towards the mattress. I lay down on my back and in no time at all, Kris is kneeling between my legs. I almost cry out when his slick tongue starts circling my tip, playing with my piercing and occasionally dipping in to my slit. God, that boy takes my breath away.

"Fuck baby, I love how you suck me... so... fucking... good", I moan, grabbing handfuls of his blond curls as he engulfs my entire cock and starts to bob his head at an almost desperate pace.

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