Thursday morning

566 31 1

Nick's pov

Morning sunshine :o)
Had the unicorn and turtle dream again last night lmao
Only this time the turtle was riding the unicorn and kept singing something but I don't remember what
So fucking random lol

Oh yeah: fruit loops and a blueberry muffin from Deli'cioso

Have a great day x

I love our little morning rituals. Every morning when we wake up, we send each other a text about weird dreams we had (if any) and what we ate for breakfast. It's random. It's silly. But it's our tradition. We've done it for as long as I can remember.

I throw on some jeans and a T-shirt and pack my bag. Matt has been in the bathroom for ages so I'm gonna have to skip showering before class. At least I managed to brush my teeth and quickly wash my face before he kicked me out and locked himself up in there.

I get to my 9.15 class 5 minutes early and check my phone again. No reply from Kris. Odd. He has a 8.30 class on Thursdays, so he's obviously up... unless he's overslept.

Class is great and I enthusiastically scribble down notes. Yeah, ok, so I'm a geek, so what? This is also my favourite subject and so far I'm totally acing it. Ethics and human rights. Love that shit and I totally hope to get a job in that kind of area after uni. I've applied for two summer internships this year. One with a gay rights organisation in London, one with a domestic abuse legal support service here in Berlin. They are only for 2 weeks each but I'd love to get a foot in the door and do something productive that will hopefully make a different to someone somewhere.

I check my phone again after class but still no message from Kris. Shit, I wonder if he is pissed off with me because of my (literal) dick move...

I probably made him super uncomfortable, even if it wasn't my intention. I should apologise.

Hey man, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being a dick yesterday - dick, geddit? ;) I was honestly just having a laugh and I'm super sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. You're still my favourite person in the world.
Forgive me? :o)
Willing to buy myself back into your good graces with a Capt'n Cookie delivery ;)
They exist in Madrid too, right?


Saturday afternoon... still no reply. I've tried calling Kris about 10 times in the last 3 days. I've checked his Insta and Facebook. No activity whatsoever. It's like he's disappeared off the face of the earth.

I text Jace, an old school friend who studies on the same campus in Madrid, asking him to check on Kris a.s.a.p.

He replies almost instantly, saying he saw him at the library yesterday evening.

So at least he is alive. Good. But why isn't he replying? He must be so pissed off with me. Or maybe really caught up with studying. He did say he was stressing about his upcoming exams.

I'm about to text him again when I get a Facebook notification. Kris has updated his relationship status to...


Oh shit. Poor guy. He must be devastated. He was so into his girl.

Whilst I genuinely feel super sorry for him, I can't help but feel incredibly relieved. I was so worried I'd pissed him off but I'm glad that his drama doesn't have anything to do with me...

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