Wednesday night party

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Kristof's pov

"Shit, man, I'm so full now. You guys are gonna have to roll me all the way to Sofia's party." Georgie lays down on the living room floor, rubbing his belly and giggles.

"Good job it's only a ten-minute walk away", I chuckle. "Yeah, you'll be able to digest on the way there and make room in your stomach for lotsa boooooooze", Jace cheers. I smile and shake my head. God, I love these guys.

"So anyway, I need to head back over to Sofia's now. I literally just came over for dinner real quick and told her I'd be back to help with the last bits and bobs before people start arriving. Tonight is going to be epic, guys! She's got this hot live band that just finished touring Europe and she's managed to get them to perform at her place tonight. Damn, having a rich girlfriend is so awesome! Thanks for dinner, Kris. I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"

He gives us a wave before walking out the door.

I get up to clear away the pizza boxes and beer bottles and carry them to the kitchen, whilst Jace goes to my room to get changed.

I really need a shower, so I head to the bathroom. I slip out of my clothes and step under the hot water. I close my eyes and my hand wraps around my dick, as the usual images in my head take over...

Images of Nick's beautiful eyes staring up at me whilst his sexy plump lips are wrapped around my dick. Images of his pierced tongue working its way up and down my entire body. Images of his athletic body grinding against mine, his sexy long black hair flowing all the way down to his perfect pecs as we kiss eachother breathless. Images of me pushing him up against the shower wall, giving him my all. Images of him bending me over my couch, his long pierced dick pounding into me until-

"Oh fuck, yes!" I scream, as I blow my wad against the shower tiles.

Loud knocks on the door bring me back to reality. Fuck, Jace! I'd forgotten about him...

"Dude, hurry up. Stop dicking about in the shower and get the hell ready. We're gonna be late!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming", I shout as I rinse myself and turn off the water.

"Sounds like you already did, man...but whatever", Jace laughs on the other side of the door.

Touché, Jace. Touché.


"Woohoooooo, this is fucking awesooome", Jace cheers as we fight our way through endless waves of sweaty grinding bodies. Oh yeah, drunk happy students at their finest. We eventually reach the kitchen and both grab a beer before Jace abandons me to talk to some girls from his course. Cheers for that, dude.

I'm just about to head out to the pool when I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. Who the... oh shit!!

It's 9pm.
On a wednesday night.
Skype night.

Incoming call from Nick_loves_Nutella_more_than_life

I'd completely forgotten which day it was. Shit. I fight my way out of the house and try to get as far away from the music as possible before answering the call.

"Hey Nick. How was our last exam? I meant to text but I've been super busy with the move.. uh, can you hear me ok? I'm at a finals party and the music is really loud and...", I trail off when I realise Nick isn't calling from his dorm, but also seems to be out somewhere. "Are you at a party too? I hear parties are crazy in Berlin."

"Uh, yeah, I got dragged out by some crazy person", he chuckles, looking past his phone and winking at someone who is obviously standing right opposite him.

"Oh ok, well I don't wanna keep you from partying hard, so... um, maybe just catch up tomorrow? But before I hang up... I just wanna say that... uh, I miss you, Nicky. I wish you were here right now... I'd give anything to be able to hold you and kiss you right this second", I sigh.

"Wish granted, babe", Nick chuckles down the phone.

"Huh?" What the hell is he talking ab-

"Look behind you, beautiful".

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