More Skype Night

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Nick's pov

"NO, fuck, not the hair!" he screams.

I'm surprised but also super amused at his emotional outburst. It's just hair. Why does he even care? He looks so embarrassed and I can't help but feel I'm on to something here. The ridiculous thought makes me chuckle but I'm gonna ask anyway.

"So um, you like me with my hair this long?"

His eyes grow wide.

"Yeah, you, uh, look really, really hot... good, I mean good... uh, fuck, I mean the hair. Your hair looks really good like that. And it looks really hot in a bun too. Not hot, uh, good. Um, I,... "

He lets out a nervous laugh and starts rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Krissyboy, what's up with you tonight...? Spacing out on me, getting all awkward...

Maybe he needs a good laugh, something to chill the mood. I've got it! This should do the trick....

"Kris? You think my hair's hot? Wanna see something that really is? Nobody else has seen it yet though..."

He nods and I stand up from my chair, letting my towel slip from my waist to reveal the masterpiece. I'm talking about my piercing, not my dick by the way... although...

Kris is squirming on his chair, slowly licking his lips as he stares at the bottom of his screen. Oh yeah, he's 100% focused on my dick. Huh, ok then. This is so not the response I was expecting... He's meant to be laughing, cursing, joking... at the very least he should be telling me to cover up and pack my dick away... but he just seems... I don't even know what to call this... transfixed?

What the hell is going on Krissy...? I'm not gonna lie, I'm slightly bewildered but... I'm intrigued all the same. I grab my towel and sit down again. He looks like he's seen a ghost, it's really fucking hilarious.

"Dude, you ok? I mean, it's not the first time you've seen my dick and it hasn't changed that much!" I laugh. I mean, we had PE classes together for like 9 years and had a million sleepovers. I never really checked him out like that or anything but I'm sure I must have seen his dick at some point, surely...

Kris lets out another nervous giggle and shakes his head with his eyes closed. "I, uh, you just caught me by surprise, man. That must have fucking hurt! Uh... are you decent now?"

"Yeah, yeah, all covered up and sitting. And yep, it hurt like a bitch at first but now I feels really good. I mean, wanking off feels at least twenty times better now, I swear. I can't wait to see how good sex will feel with this thing in."

Kris groans... at least it sounds like a groan. Huh, maybe I'm embarrassing him... since when is he embarrassed when I talk about sex though? I mean, not that I've ever actually had sex...not even close... But Krissy has never been this weird about sex talk. Something is totally off and he is super fidgety. Even more than usual.

And now he's licking his lips again... not that I'm complaining! Lord knows it does things to me every time his tongue slides across his beautiful, plump, kissable lips... God I'd love to get a taste of those. Just the thought makes me feel a little bit hotter and I bite my lip as look back at my laptop screen. I can see and hear that Kris is breathing heavily.

"Kris, are you ok?"

"Yeah yeah man, I'm just a bit wired with exams coming up and shit you know? Um, I'm also really tired, so I'll leave you to it. I'll text you tomorrow, ok? Night Nick".

I don't buy it for a second, but whatever...

"Sure, no worries. Night-night Kris." I love you.

He gives me a cute little wave before ending the call.

I love you so fucking much.

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