Bonus - 4 years later

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JayJay/Felli_Dash, so sorry guys. This turned out waaaaay fluffier than planned. Oh well, hope you enjoy it anyway ;)
Much love,
Kei x

Kristof's pov

"Do you think he'll remember?" Jace says, as he finishes up his side of the room. I look up to check on our work - perfect. A big heart of candles all around the bed. Hopefully Nick will realise once he gets home... whatever time that'll be today. He's been getting home later and later recently and work is really stressing him out. Before we had even finished our studies, Nick was headhunted by one of the biggest lawfirms in the UK, and he has been their rising star ever since he started working there. So far, he has won every single case and he's making a hell of a name for himself... and don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly proud of him and support him wherever and whenever I can... but I miss my husband... he comes home stressed and exhausted, barely managing to gobble down the meals I prepare before passing out for the night. I wish he would allow himself a break... it would do both of us a lot of good.

Today is our fifth wedding anniversary. Five years since we proposed to eachother by the little fountain in Madrid... and got hitched in the cute little chapel the very same night. I smile at the memory and a tear escapes my eye.

"I don't know, Jace. I honestly don't expect him to remember... but I'm hoping that the romantic atmosphere of the house will help jog his memory."

"It had damn better, man! We've been decorating and cooking for hours. Fuck, even I'm in the mood for some anniversary loving now", he laughs wiggling his eyebrows.

"OK, OK, I get the hint. Thanks for the help, and hop off home to the wifey!"

Jace laughs and hugs me before heading to the door. "Oh, and thank Dani for letting me borrow you all day", I add with a chuckle.

"No worries, Kris. Always happy to assist my favourite loverboys! Now, don't stress and have a fantastic evening with your man", he sings as he closes the door behind him.

Almost 6pm. I take a shower and make sure to manscape every inch of my body. Please come home early like you promised, baby. Just one evening. Just us.

I finish my shower and start lighting all the scented candles in the room... here's hoping Nick comes home before they burn out... I sigh... are you really expecting him to show up any time soon though?

I slip into my black lace G-string that Nick got me for our first wedding anniversary. Originally, it was meant as a jokey gift... but turned out to be quite the opposite. I'd never seen him so turned on before... the way he squirmed on the bed as I slipped into the lacey little piece of nothing, and started dancing for him. I remember how he pulled me down onto the bed and fucked me senseless that night... all night... with even more passion than usual... my whole body shivers and a soft moan escapes me at the memory.

The sound of his car pulling up brings me back to the real world and I finish getting ready...

Nick's pov

I sigh deeply as I grab the flowers and gift box from the passenger seat. This is nowhere near enough to thank you for putting up with me all this time, baby.

As I unlock the front door, the atmosphere takes my breath away. Fuck, baby, you've gone all out. The whole house smells of amazing food, there is soft music playing and the entire floor is covered with red and white rose petals. The road of red petals leads to the bedroom. Well, guess I should follow the treasure trail, huh?

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