Wednesday evening shock

543 29 1

Nick's pov

I step out of the cab and throw my backpack over my shoulder. I look around nervously and walk towards the big student residence. I have the block address but I have no idea where Kris' room is. I should have asked Jace. I take my phone out of my pocket and start texting him when a group of students walk out of the building, so I ask them whether they know where Kris lives.

So, now, here I am. Walking down the long carpeted corridor looking for dorm 213. My heart is threatening to jump out of my chest. I lick my lips nervously and raise my hand to knock on the door. Noises emanate from the room but it's too late... my knuckles have already hit the door.

"Be right back, babe". I hear a female voice with a sexy exotic accent before the door opens and I'm greeted by a beautiful half-naked girl with bright blue eyes and long black ruffled hair... wow, no guesses as to what I've just interrupted... and then it hits me.

I know her. From photos. Oh fuck.

"Melanie" I breathe. No, no, no! They broke up! Why is she here? Half naked! In Kris' fucking dorm?!

She just gives me a bored look "Oui. And you are?"

I shake my head. "Doesn't matter... I'm sorry for, uh, interrupting. Sorry. Bye."

She shrugs and shuts the door in my face. I'm frozen on the spot, trying hard not to break down right there in the hall where I'm standing.

I lean against the door with my forehead and let out a ragged breath. I feel sick. Why Kris? As unmistakable moans start pouring out of the room, my heart stops beating and my blood freezes in my veins. Fuck, Kris, no.

Like in trance, I drag myself to a recreation corner at the end of the hall and slump down on one of the couches. Resting my head in my hands, I let the tears run free. I shouldn't have come. What the fuck was I thinking? That I'd sail over and we'd jump right into our happy ever after?

"You wanna talk about that?" A soft voice pulls me from my thoughts. A rather short blonde with kind brown eyes and a soft smile sits down next to me. "I'm a very good listener", she whispers, nudging my shoulder with her own and winking.

"Uh, I, uh, I should head back home. I came over to surprise... uh, a friend. But I guess that kinda backfired. I thought we...", I try to stifle my sniffles but fail miserably. "I'm sorry. I need to get back home."

"Where's home? You need a ride?" She jumps up from the couch, still smiling.

"Uh, no thanks. I'll grab a cab. I need to get back to the airport... maybe I can be back in Berlin by tonight...", I mumble.

The girl gasps. I look up at her and she just stares at me... eyes wide.

"Who... who was it you wanted to visit here?"

"I, uh, my... friend, Kris. Blond curls, blue eyes. You might know him. Anyway, doesn't matter. He's obviously busy. I need to go. It was nice meeting you... uh..."

"Daniela", she smiles sweetly, holding out her hand. "And... you're him, aren't you?" She covers her mouth with her fingers. "You're Nick. Krissy's Nick."

Krissy's Nick? Yeah, well, I thought I was...

"Uh, yeah, I'm Nick. What are you-"

"Oh my God, Nick, you need to come with me. Now!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me along behind her. When we reach her dorm, she unlocks the door and shoves me inside. Why do I feel like I'm being kidnapped? By an adorable dwarf nonetheless...

"We have two hours. I'll let you freshen up. Uh, bathroom is just through there. Then I'll feed you." Yeah, ok, now I feel like a stray dog she's just picked up from the street. "And then, we're going to a party." I raise a brow but she just giggles and waves me off. "Trust me, you really want to go to that party".

...the fuck is going on right now?

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