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Graduation day - two years later

Nick's pov

"Nicholas Sanders".

I walk over the stage, shake the dean's hand and walk off with my law diploma in hand - all without tripping or embarrassing myself. Phew, thank God that's over and done with.

Walking down the stage steps, I wave at my family. Mum is obviously crying, dad is jumping up and down clapping  his hands and Krissy is cheering and whistling, whilst his mum smiles at me, giving me the thumbs up. It warms my heart to see them all sitting together like this...


Two years earlier ...

"You really think they're going to accept this? Us?" Kris asks nervously, holding my hand tightly as we step off the plane. We're finally home for the summer... together. Kris' mum is picking him up from the airport. My parents are coming for me, too. I did tell my dad I was visiting Kris after my exams and that we'd come home together... but we have yet to tell them that we are, well, 'together'.

"Niiiickyyyy, welcome home, honey!" Mum is the first to come running towards me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Are you guys up for a quick 'Welcome home pizza' at Bellini's or are you too tired from the trip?" Kris' mum asks, knowing full well that neither of us will ever say no to food.

Once we arrive at the restaurant and have got our orders out of the way, Kris is quick to let the cat out of the bag. Grabbing my hand and holding it tight, he gives me a comforting smile before he starts talking.

"Mr and Mrs Sanders? Mum? Nicky and I wanted to tell you something..."


I'm not sure how we both missed their amused and knowing smiles at the time but looking back now, they were most definitely there. That evening, Kris and I found out that it had been an ongoing joke between our parents, as to just how much longer it was going to take us to finally get a grip and get together.  Well, I suppose outing ourselves to our parents could have gone much worse...

"And now, the awards ceremony for Combined languages and literature."

Kris is up next. I'm so glad we get to graduate together today. Oh yeah, so Kris and I both managed to transfer to Cambridge University for our third and final year, so we could move in together back here in England. It had broken our hearts to have to go separate ways again after our first summer as boyfriends... well, our only summer as boyfriends, really. A crazy three months where we spent every day going on fun dates to theme parks,  lakes, open air movies, mini road trips...and every single night was spent having hours and hours of mind-blowing sex.

I will always think back to that amazing summer with Kris... my beautiful Kris, my first boyfriend and first love...

After that perfect summer, I had to go back to Berlin and he had to fly back to Madrid. It was a tough year and we did manage to see eachother in every break and during bank holiday weekends. And of course, we still had Skype, which was now being used for... well... naughtier things. We managed for a while... but by Christmas, we both knew that long-distance was becoming too painful... so we took some decisions. We both applied for a course transfer to Cambridge for our third year and, as soon as we got our replies around Easter time, we started house hunting... even though I have to admit it felt weird that we weren't dating anymore by the time we started our final year...

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