Monday night surprise

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Kristof's pov

I'm just putting on some sweatpants after my shower when someone knocks. I quickly slip a T-shirt over my head and open the door.

"Uh, hi... Jace?" Another random visit from someone I barely know. What the fuck is going on today?

"Hi Kris, I come bearing gifts", he sings as he dances right past me, juggling three boxes in his arms. He carefully places them on my bed and sits down, looking at me expectantly. "Uh... yeah... do come in", I mumble, closing the door and walking over to him. "You going to tell me what the hell is going on, Jace?"

"Awwww, can't an old high school buddy come over and hang out?"

"Jace, we barely knew each other at school... and we've hardly spoken since starting uni..."

"Yeah dude, that might have had something to do with that possessive chick of yours", he chuckles and winks. "But I hear that is no longer a... um, sorry, totally none of my business", he chuckles. "And totally not why I am here", he adds urgently, nodding towards the three boxes.

"What is all this?"

"You'll have to open up and find out", he says with another wink. "Looks like Santa came early this year."

My curiosity gets the better of me and I sit down and open the first box. A Samsung Galaxy A50... "A fucking phone?!" I laugh incredulously. "Who...?"

"Just carry on", Jace chuckles. He's enjoying this... not gonna lie, I don't know what the fuck is going on but I sure as hell ain't complaining!

I grab the next box. It's much larger and longer but really thin. I tear it open and almost drop it in shock. I cover up my mouth with both hands as I stare at the MacBook Air on my lap. "What...? Who...? Jace... what is this?"

"Last box, buddy. Open it", he encourages me with a huge grin.

I pick up the last box and almost choke on my own breath... Capt'n Cookie. It can't... no... my eyes start to sting...

"Nick", I whisper, fighting back the tears and confusion.

I open the box to see a shit tonne of chocolate & hazelnut brownies. And a printed out note.

Happy Birthday to you...
19 Brownies for you...

I know I'm 6 weeks early - but I guess your birthday will just have to come a little earlier this year ;)

I close my eyes and shake my head as the first tears manage to break free...

Fuck, Nick, I love you for this but there's no way in hell I can't accept this...

"Hey, you ok, buddy?" Jace's hand on my shoulder helps me snap out of it.
I nod, take a deep breath and carry on reading.

Don't even think about doing your thing and going all noble and shit and not accepting it. Don't forget, these are birthday gifts and you know it would be horribly rude to refuse them. Besides, you need the stuff - all of it ;)
So, don't break my heart.
Just accept the stuff, ok?!
I'll talk to you very soon.
Miss you

I sniffle and try to stop the waterworks but it's useless... before I know it, I'm sobbing into Jace's shoulder, as he awkwardly hugs me, patting my back. Once I manage to get a grip - at least temporarily - I pull away from Jace and mumble my apologies for the crying fit... and for ruining his shirt with all my tears and snot.

He just laughs and shakes his head.

"I don't understand why...? How did...?"

Jace chuckles again and tells me how Nick set all the wheels in motion for my 'birthday surprise', the minute he got my message on Saturday evening. I can't help but smile but I'm still confused...

"But why...?"

Jace lets out a frustrated sigh. "Are you gonna figure this out or am I gonna have to spell it out for you?" He asks with a raised brow. As I just stare at him stupidly, he sighs again.

"Kris, buddy. It's not my business and you know I hate interfering in personal relationships and shit... but if you're going to carry on being an oblivious twat for any longer, I'm gonna scream."

I just continue to look at him with wide eyes. What. The.

"Jeez, you guys are just too fucking painful to watch. Kris... buddy... how long have you known Nick?"

"9 years, 8 months and almost 3 weeks", I murmur.

"Shit, um, ok. That's borderline creepy... in a cute way, I guess. Look, Kris, I've known you and Nick since middle school and you've been dancing around eachother forever. You obviously had a thing for eachother back then and that is more than blatantly still the case now, so will you please, please, pleeeeeaaaase do yourselves and everyone you know a favour and get together already! Jesus fuck, you guys are exhausting!" He flops back onto my bed with a groan, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Jace... I don't know what you're... we are best friends... we don't... he doesn't like me like that."

"The guy fucking adores you! I know it, you know it, fuck, the whole damn school knew it, even back then. People were placing bets on when you fools were finally going to get your asses out of your heads and finally be the couple you were always meant to be."

I close my eyes and shake my head. "Jace... it's not... Nick and I... we could never be. He's not even gay. He doesn't like me like that..."

"Kris... buddy... I'm going to say this with all the love and respect I can bring up. You're one of the smartest people I know... but if you can't see how much that guy loves you... then you're really a fucking idiot. Now please call your man, say thank you for the presents, tell him you love him and that you want to make lots of beautiful babies with him when you head home for summer. I hope you got all of that. Need me to write that down for you?" he asks whilst getting up.

I shake my head and watch him as he makes for the door. Before leaving my room, he turns to me again and winks. 'I'll see you around, loverboy! Go get him!" And with that he disappears.

I grab the phone and laptop and plug them in to charge. Then I grab a brownie and lay down on my bed and take a deep breath.

He's your best friend, don't ruin it by letting all this fluffy shit invade your brain!
You know damn well he doesn't like you that way!
Don't even think about getting your hopes up, you stupid boy!

"But not being able to be with you is breaking my fucking heart", I whisper to myself between sobs.

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