Wednesday afternoon flight

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Hey luvvies,
Due to a glitch, my last update got messed up and didn't show up for some of you.
So make sure you've read the previous chapter (the rest of the Monday call) before carrying on here.
Take care sweets,
Kei x

Nick's pov

It's been three weeks since that call. Three weeks since we finally admitted to each other how we felt. How we've always felt. Three weeks since I told the love of my life I'd been waiting forever for him to finally see me the way I saw him. Three weeks since we sat there crying at each other in front of our respective screens... both confused and overwhelmed... both thinking it was too good to be true... so easy... too easy...

I've spent the last three weeks wondering just how Momma Fate is going to fuck this up for us. Because, let's be honest, who gets a straightforward journey to their happy ending...

"Ok, sir, here's your passport back. Aaand your boarding pass. You'll need to run straight to Gate 9. The flight leaves in fourty minutes. Good luck!"

I grab my stuff and quickly go through security.

I finished my last exam less than two hours ago and came straight to the airport, on the off-chance of catching a last-minute flight to Madrid. Kris had his final exam two days ago and is still packing up all his shit, as he will be moving to a small studio apartment after the summer break. He doesn't know I'm heading over to visit him. I hope it'll be a good surprise for him. I still can't believe we're finally going to be together. I've missed him so much. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Finally kiss him. Tell him face-to-face that he's the love of my fucking life and always has been.

I run to Gate 9 and immediately get on the plane. As it takes off, I find myself counting down the hours until I finally get to see him again. He's been my best friend all my life... and now...

My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty... we've waited for so long... love each other... we need each other. 

Fuck, God, please let this work out for us!

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