More Wednesday night party

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I have defo a love-hate relationship with this chapter, as I had a lot of troubles saving and publishing it... but here it is!
Hope you're enjoying reading as much as I've enjoyed writing this story.
Only 3 or so chapters to go ;)
Kei x


Nick's pov

"Look behind you, beautiful", I whisper shakily into the phone, my nerves getting the best of me. I throw an anxious look at Daniela, who steps aside to give me a better view of the boy I love.Turn around, baby. Look at me.


Kristof's pov

"Look behind you, beautiful".

My heart skips a beat and I slowly turn around, holding my breath. I almost drop my phone when I spot him on the opposite side of the pool. God, he's so fucking gorgeous with his long dark hair in a messy man bun and his beautiful body perfectly wrapped up in tight black jeans and a white fitted shirt that shows off his finely sculpted pecs and strong arms. His dark blue gaze locks with mine and his lips twist up in to a sexy smirk as he starts walking towards me.

Fuck, this is it.


Nick's pov

I lick my lips nervously as I start to walk towards him. Please, please, please, don't let him change his mind. I've barely taken three steps in his direction when he lets out a loud squeal and starts running towards me. His initially shocked face morphs in to a beaming smile and I feel myself falling just a little bit more for this boy, even though I really don't know how that's actually possible. I open up my arms and he flings himself against me,  holding me against him in a bone-crushing hug. "Oh my God, I've missed you so fucking much, Nicky", he sniffles against my neck. He's... crying. Oh baby, what's wrong?


Kristof's pov

Nick pulls away from the hug. Shit, what's wrong now? Before I can start going into panic mode, he cups my cheeks and softly brushes his lips against mine. My heart is threatening to jump right out of my chest and my breath hitches. Oh my God, Nicky, your lips feel so fucking perfect. I kiss him back and am about to bring in some tongue when he pulls away. Again. Please don't change your mind now, baby. Please.


Nick's pov

I can't deal with the hurricane of emotions raging through me right now. His kiss is everything and more. I want to hold Kris like this forever, kiss him, tell him that he is the love of my life, the man I'm going to fucking marry one day. My body agrees and is already burning up and screaming out for him. I want to tear his clothes off right here, right now. I want to kiss and lick every inch of him and make him feel how special he is to me. I need to physically show him how much I love him. Shit, I sound like a fucking sap. I chuckle to myself and look up at Kris, whose eyes are still shimmering with tears.

"I missed you like hell too, babe. And I really hope that these," I say, using the pads of my thumbs to wipe his wet cheeks, "are tears of joy". Kris laughs and sniffles at the same time, nodding his head vigorously. God, I can't get over how fucking adorable he is.

"So um, what do you say we consider this our first date and I get you a drink and something from the barbecue over there, and then we find ourselves a quiet spot and get to know each other?" I wiggle my eyebrows and Kris lets out a hearty laugh. "Nick, I've known you for almost ten years, I'm pretty sure I already know everything there is to know about you... well, except for the fact that you like boys..." he trails off as I interrupt him with another kiss, a deeper one this time. I slide my tongue over his bottom lip before giving it a gentle nibble. Kris moans softly against my mouth and parts his lips, inviting me in to come and play. Kris eagerly toying with my piercing and sucking on my tongue like it's the yummiest popsicle ever, feels a million kinds of amazing. After what feels like hours, I pull away from the kiss with one last peck on his soft lips. I touch my brow to his and whisper into his ear.

"No... not boys, Krissy... you. Just you."

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