Monday night call

557 33 7

Nick's pov

Kris hasn't got in touch yet... Jace texted me about two hours ago to say that the 'surprise delivery' had gone well and that I should brace myself... whatever the hell he meant by that. Is Kris pissed off? I wouldn't want him to feel like a charity case... or like I'm trying to buy him... I just... like to make him happy... make sure he has everything he ever needs and wants...

Suddenly my phone rings.

Incoming call from Toffee_Bean...

His Skype alias always makes me smile.

I haven't spoken to him for almost a week and I have to admit I've missed him like hell. I take a deep breath and accept the call.

I hear him before I see him and I swear he's... moaning? His face finally pops up on the screen of my phone. He's nibbling on a brownie, letting out happy little sighs... Ugh, Kris, don't make sounds like that.

"Hey Kris, welcome back to the online world", I laugh, shifting on my chair, trying to hide what his little noises are doing to me. Kris looks straight at me with his big baby blue eyes and licks some chocolate crumbs of his lips... really, really slowly. Fuck... Kris...

My dick stirs in my boxer briefs. At that moment, I realise I'm only in underwear. Well, I wasn't expecting company... offline or online... Still holding my phone, I walk over to the closet to grab a shirt.

"Yeah, I'm back from under my rock... I understand I have a generous little fairy to thank for all of this", he giggles, waving the box of brownies and the phone in front of the camera.

"Who you calling a fairy?" I chuckle, cocking a brow. Not that you're wrong...

"My bad", Kris giggles. "There's also nothing little about you in any way", he whispers so softly that I barely catch it. Then he clears throat and licks his lips again before having another bite of his brownie.

"Mmmmh, God, so good...". Holy fuck, Kris, you need to stop doing that. I shake my head and readjust myself before putting my shirt on. Just as I slip it over my head, I hear Kris murmur something.

"What's that, Kris?"

"Uh, n-nothing... I was err... these are r-really yummy", he stutters, waving the box of Capt'n Cookie goodies.

"Well, I do know how much you love them, Kris. They've always been your favourite."

"Yeah, I'm a total sucker for chocolate and nuts... always have been", he responds with a flirty wink. 

Ummm.... huh?!

Before I can think of a witty response, he takes another bite, closing his eyes and moaning softly again... shit, what the hell is in those brownies? His happy little moans are driving me crazy... I mean, shit, if these are the sounds he makes when he enjoys food...

"I'm glad you're enjoying them", I chuckle. "Is the phone OK, too? I figured you'd want a Galaxy again. This is just the newest version of your old phone. And the laptop? Is it what you need or-"

"It's all perfect, Nick. Thank you. I... I still don't know why...", he trails off looking up at me. "But thank you, so, so much. I promise I'll make it up to you, somehow."

I laugh and shake my head. "It's all a birthday gift, man. You don't owe me anything in return. That's not why I got you the stuff."

"So why did you, Nick?"

"All I want is to make you... um, make sure you have everything you need... I just wanted to help sort out at least some of the shit you had to deal with... I can't help with everything... I mean... I can hardly mend a broken heart...", I trail off when I see the uncomfortable look on Kris' face. Shit, I wasn't even going to mention the Mel thing until he did... shit, shit, shit...

"Sorry Kris... I didn't want to-"

"Forget it, Nick. It's fine. Can we just not... I mean, it's my fault she left me... I have to deal with it and-"

"What do you mean, it's your fault? I mean... you're like... perfect! There is nothing you could possibly do to-"

"I screamed a wrong name..."


"When I was uh, with her... I screamed a name... a name that wasn't hers...". Kris blushes in embarrassment.

I can't help myself and it's totally inappropriate... but I burst out laughing. "Fuck, Kris, you idiot. How the hell do you get the name wrong when you're always fucking the same chick...? I see why she would be pissed though... but to break up? That's a little extreme, no?"

"Look, it's fine. I'm fine. I guess I wasn't really that into her anyway... so it's really not a big deal, you know?"

That doesn't sound like Kris... my Kris. My Kris doesn't do things half-assed. He wouldn't be with someone he didn't care about... surely... but I'm intrigued...

"So um, Kris... do I get to know who it was?"

"Who what was?"

"The name, Kris. Whose name? I'm dying to know. Do I know her?" Kris freezes. Bingo. And there's that uncomfortable look in his eyes again. What are you hiding from me, Kris? Who is she?

I just stare at the screen... waiting for an answer but not really expecting one. Kris seems deep in thought, obviously having a big inner debate... yeah, I know that look. He obviously won't tell... fair enough. Not my business.

Kris sighs loudly, shifting on his bed before clearing his throat. 

"Yeah... um, yeah, you could say that", he mumbles, looking up through his lashes. Could it be...? "But I don't know if he's ready to know about it yet..." he smiles at me shyly.

Fuck, my heart...

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