Skype Night

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Kristof's pov

8:58. He'll be calling any minute now. I nibble on my bottom lip in anticipation. I can't wait...

Incoming call from Nick_loves_Nutella_more_than_life

I mentally count to five before accepting the call and hold my breath until I see him on my screen. There he is, shirtless, with his still wet hair over his shoulders, almost reaching his perfectly sculpted tattooed pecs...

What a view...thank you, thank you, thank you

I lick my lips and release the breath I've been holding in, just about managing to stop it from coming out as a groan. At that moment I realise I haven't said a single word yet. Ok, poker face in place, let's do this.

"Hey man, how was practice?"

He takes a bite out of his sandwich and chews a couple of times before replying with a still full mouth. "It was ok. Coach made us do laps for 30 minutes, then he split the team and we had a practice match. It was a good game and.... God this sandwich is really good... um yeah, where was I? Oh yeah, so my team won and then we played around at the gym for a bit after. Trev gave me a lift back to the dorms and we both got a sandwich from Deli'cioso on the way home. I've got smoked salmon and cream cheese and it's absolutely lush man, I swear, food is life", he says as he licks some of the cream of his bottom lip.

Oh fuck... that small action sends tingles straight to my cock... and fuck, I really wish I could have a taste of those lips...again.

It's been four fucking years now... four years since I sneakily stole a kiss one night when I was sleeping over at his house. We were watching TV on his bed and at some point, I felt his head on my shoulder; he had fallen asleep. His hair tickled my nose but it felt so nice... and it smelt so good. I felt like a creep nuzzling his hair, so I eventually shuffled and over and laid his head down on his pillow. He sighed and licked his lips but his breathing was slow and deep, so he was definitely still asleep. I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous mouth and before I knew what I was doing, I had lowered my head and gave him a soft peck on the lips. I remember quickly pulling back and sitting up again, surprised at myself... shocked... angry at my lack of self control. He was my best friend, God dammit. That night, I had debated leaving... running home... but he would demand an explanation... one I wasn't prepared to give... so I had laid down next to him, feeling guilty... guilty and confused... it had kept me up most of the night but I'd eventually fallen asleep and, the next day, the best buddy show was back on... back to normal. Nick had woken up in a super good mood, completely oblivious to my slip up... and that's how it would always need to stay. It was the first and last time I lost control over my feelings. I wouldn't and couldn't allow it to happen again. Our friendship was way too important... is way too important.

"... still listening?" Nick's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I clear my throat and realise I've been biting my lips and have a stupid grin on my face...

"Errr, sorry, I was just, uh..."

"You were totally spaced out again, man. You ok? Everything ok with Mel?"

"Yeah um yeah, everything's fine. So um, sorry, what were you saying?" Focus, Kris, focus.

Nick shakes his head and laughs. "Well, I was telling you that I might get my hair cut before the summer. It's getting so long an-"

"NO, fuck, not the hair!" I blurt out.

Now he's staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

I just stare back, wide-eyed.

Then Nick starts chuckling. "So um, you like me with my hair this long?" Nick, babe, I would still love you with a bright pink buzz cut or no hair at all...

"Yeah, you, uh, look really, really hot... good, I mean good... uh, fuck, I mean the hair. Your hair looks really good like that. And it looks really hot in a bun too. Not hot, uh, good. Um, I,... "

Oh yeah, nice save, Kris. Not.

I stare at my screen nervously. Nick is looking to the side with furrowed brows, he's obviously deep in thought. Suddenly, he turns his head to look right at me and licks his lips, letting my catch a glimpse of his sexy tongue piercing.

Fuck... I shift on my chair and adjust myself.

When I look back up, Nick is still looking at me with a smirk on his face. He cocks an eyebrow as his smirk slowly turns into a cocky grin.

"Kris? You think my hair's hot? Wanna see something that really is? Nobody else has seen it yet though..."

I know I'm going to regret this but I nod my head anyway.

I chew my bottom lip as he slowly stands up and drops his towel...

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