Why I love Wednesday nights

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Nick's pov

Of course, I hadn't forgotten for a single second that it was Skype night tonight.

Skype night is hands down my favourite time of the week... love, love, love it!

Oh, fuck you!!

I'd honestly love to...you have no idea!

Nah, that's what your girlfriend is for.

Lucky bitch.

Why am I friends with you...?

Oh, you didn't! Best buds since fourth grade and don't you forget it!

Because I'm awesome and we've been best friends forever... oh, and because you fucking love me!

Laterzzzzz buddy! ;)

I can't fucking wait.

I sigh and put down my phone... I'm so excited for tonight. I always am. I play it cool and mask it as a 'yeah whatever, it's our traditional weekly catch-up' but it's really the highlight of my week. I mean, we call and text each other all the time for all kinds of shit but Wednesday night is our  night, the one night per week where I get to hang out with him for an hour or more...without interruptions. I always make sure my roommate is out of the way and he usually manages to shoo his girlfriend away for a while.

We've been having our Skype nights for almost 8 months now, ever since we left for different universities in different countries. Kris is studying Modern Languages and Literature in Madrid; I'm studying law and politics in Berlin. At least we managed to stay on the same continent. But I miss him...

After graduating high school, we promised to visit each other but our semester holidays and reading weeks never match up and somehow life keeps getting in the way... he has his girlfriend and I have games in a different German city almost every weekend with the university basketball team. I love it, don't get me wrong. The basketball team is like my new family, I love all of them to bits and love spending time with them. But it also means I'll never have a free weekend to hop on a plane and visit Kris... and even when I do have a weekend off, Kris is usually busy with Mel or doing something super cultural and touristy somewhere...

I'm still hoping we'll manage to see eachother more over the summer, when we are both back in the UK for the holidays. That's if he does come home... Mel is actually French and has been wanting to show him Paris and travel her home country with him ever since they got together at the beginning of the year... well, I guess I can't compete with a hot French girlfriend... or Paris...

But I still hope he'll decide to come home at least for a bit. It would be weird being home and not seeing him. It would be my first summer without him in the nine years we've known eachother.

God, I remember when we first met. He'd just moved down from Manchester and was the new kid at our school. He'd gotten introduced to the class by the headmaster and then got seated next to me. He had whispered a shy 'hello' to me and given me the brightest smile in the history of the world.

Already then, he was a beauty with his blond curls and sky blue eyes. And his fucking cute dimples, good God, don't get me started on the dimples... and his perfect pouty lips... fuck.

That was 9 years, 8 months and 2 weeks ago... we've been best friends ever since.

How long I've been insanely in love with him? About 9 years, 8 months and 13 days...

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