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Kristof's pov

Wednesday night:

"Mel, baby, wait, I... I can explain!"

"Oh really? Can you now?! I'd love to hear why you scream your best friend's name whilst you are still balls-deep inside of me. Your girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend! Espèce de connard!"

"No, no, no, baby. It's just a misunderstanding. I was just thinking about him because of something that happened during our call earlier tonight."

"So you admit you were thinking about him whilst we were having sex...?!"

Yeah ok, that still sounds really bad.

"I don't get you, Kristof. I don't get why you are even with me. I mean, physically you are with me, sure. But your heart and mind are always somewhere else. Why can't you just give yourself to me? Why won't you love me?"



"Fuck you, fils de pute!" She grabs my phone and throws it at me. I manage to duck and it smashes against the wall. And with that, the walks out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her.


Thursday morning:

I wake up and instantly start looking for my phone to send Nick his morning text. I don't remember what I dreamt but I'm so having waffles at the student café before my 8.30 Spanish class. Oh shit... my phone. I forgot it was smashed. I turn my laptop on to send him a quick message on FB but it merely makes a weird buzzing noise before the screen goes all black. Huh, I'm sure I charged it. I hook it up before getting ready for class. I make a mental note to get myself a new phone at the weekend. God knows how I'm going to pay for it though.


Friday evening:

So right now
I'm stuck at the library, working on the slowest public computer in the history of the world on a Friday night to finish my assignment for next Monday. I can't believe my laptop decided to die on me right now. Assignments are due. Exams are coming up. This is all just fucking great. I can't even send Nick a message because they've blocked social media pages on the library computers. Sucks. I might ask my dorm neighbour if I can borrow his laptop for a minute when I get back to the dorms.

Saturday afternoon:

Pulled an all-nighter at the library last night but at least now my assignment is done and printed. I have all of tomorrow to edit and if needbe print off a new version early on Monday morning when the library opens.

I get back to the dorms and bump into a girl from my French class. I ask her if I can just quickly borrow her laptop for a second because mine is broken. She agrees and lets me log on to my Facebook for a bit.

First thing's first. I read my messages. Nothing important. Mel has reset her status to Single, so I update mine as well. Well, I guess if it's on Facebook, then our breakup is official. I honestly can't say I'm horribly upset.

Next, I do what I've been wanting to do since Mel left my dorm after our fight on  Wednesday.

Kristof Schwartz:
Hey Nick!
Sorry, I have at least 2 dreams and 3 breakfasts to update you on.
Shit, I don't remember the dreams now but it was random crap.
So err... Thursday morning, I had waffles with blueberry jam. Friday morning I had a tomato and mushroom tortilla thing at the brunch bar just off campus. This morning, I grabbed a egg and cress sandwich from the library vending machine after spending the night there to finish an assignment...
Oh yeah, my laptop is fucked. Which is why I was working on a library computer in the first place.
Oh, and my phone kinda had an accident with a wall, which is why I haven't been texting. I don't have a new one yet and I can't really afford one right now but I'll ask mum if she can help out ;)
So, I hope you're well.
Sorry for not being in touch... life is a bit all over the place at the moment and it's kinda just been spiralling downhill since Wednesday... I'll fill you in about that some other time. It's not a big deal. I'm more annoyed about my phone and laptop tbh.
Anyways, speak soon.
I miss you.

I love you

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