Wednesday night dancing

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Kristof's pov

"Kris, baby, I will always want you." Holy damn, I love this man.

I press my lips to his and kiss him hungrily, my tongue quickly working its way in to his mouth, eager to play with his sexy piercing. I can't believe how much it turns me on to feel the cool little piece of metal against my own tongue, to play with it, to suck on it. I can only image what it would feel like on my skin... against my dick... fuck!

I moan against his mouth and without my accord, my hips start to rock back and forth on Nick's lap. Feeling his erection growing under me encourages me to grind down on him even harder and faster. I bite into his shoulder to stifle more moans and I feel the tingling in my lower regions getting stronger and stronger...

Suddenly, Nick puts his hands on my hips and holds me in place, so that I can't move anymore. He pulls away from the kiss with a soft groan and I see that his eyes are closed and his brows are knitted. Shit, he didn't like it... I'm moving too fast... he probably thinks I'm a total slut... fuck...

"Babe," he whispers breathlessly against my lips, "as much as I love this - and believe me, I really really do - we need to stop before I cream my pants. So, uh, what do you say we go check out the band or something? Because, I swear, if we stay here behind the pool house, hidden from everyone else, I might be tempted to throw you against that wall and... ugh, shit, let's just go dance or something. I think we need to cool down", he says with a sexy smirk before giving me a quick kiss on the lips and setting me down next to him.

"Yeah, uh, I guess you're right", I chuckle quietly. I immediately jump up to my feet and adjust myself. It's crazy how uncomfortably tight my shorts are feeling right now. It's a mystery to me how Nick's skinny jeans are still able to keep him contained. I pick up our bottles and paper plates and go to dump everything in the container bins at the other end of the garden. Nick follows me closely the whole time. Once I've thrown everything away, Nick catches my hand and before I can even question what he's doing, he smiles at me and intertwines our fingers. Shit, that feels nice... like, really nice.

Oh my heart...

"Is... uh, is this ok?" Nick asks hesitantly, lowering his gaze to our hands, then looking back up at me. "I'm sorry, it just felt natural to hold your hand... I... I want everyone to see we belong together... but I understand if you wanna keep a low profile until you are ready to come out or whatever...", he mumbles shyly. God, I love this guy.

"No, no, it's totally fine. It feels nice... it feels right, you know? And uh, I haven't really thought about myself as out or not... but I guess that almost fucking my boyfriend in public at a student party wouldn't make me a very successful closeted gay or bi guy, would it?"

"I guess not", Nick replies with a chuckle and squeezes my hand. Argh, I'm loving this so much.

We go to check out the live band and quickly find ourselves dancing along to their songs. I'm having so much fun and, even though Nick and I used to party together loads before we left for university, it feels so different now... so much better...

When a song with a real sexy beat comes on, I can't help myself. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him against me. Nick places his hands on my hips and gently pulls me even closer and our crotches start to rub together in the best way possible. Our bodies move to the rhythm in perfect sync, our blatant erections still very much intact and grinding together deliciously. Barely able to keep myself under control, I pull Nick into a hot kiss. My hands move under his shirt and start exploring his perfect abs, whilst I suck on his sexy pierced tongue like it's the yummiest lollipop ever... fuck, not gonna lie, I think Nick may actually be my new favourite flavour.

A soft moan escapes Nick's lips and his hands leave my hips to cup my ass. I pull away from the kiss with a loud moan and bite my lip to stifle another. When I look into Nick's eyes, I can clearly see the reflection of my own want... my own desire. He moves closer again to give my ear a gentle nibble before whispering ten little words that almost make me blow my shorts.

"Take me home, baby. I need you... right fucking now!"


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