Why I hate Wednesday nights

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Kristof's pov

I can't believe he forgot it was Skype night tonight....

But I don't blame him...

Skype night is honestly the worst time of the week for me...

Oh, fuck you!!

If only...

Nah, that's what your girlfriend is for.

Huh, if only you knew...

Why am I friends with you...?

God, I miss you...

Because I'm awesome and we've been best friends forever... oh, and because you fucking love me!

Laterzzzzz buddy! ;)

You bet your sexy ass, I do...

I sigh and lay my phone down on the bed... I hate Skype nights. Texts and calls are fine... but Skype night is different... I hate video calls with Nick... it's one whole painful hour (sometimes longer) per week, where I have to make a humongous effort to... well... pretend...

Don't get me wrong, I love having a 'just us' night... but it's getting increasingly hard to play cool when I see his gorgeous face on my screen... his blue eyes and raven-black hair that's gotten so long he can now tie it up into a man bun. And when he smiles... God, it makes it hard for me to not just giggle and stare at him like a lovesick fool all evening...

Recently, he seems to enjoy making things even harder for me (no pun intended) by calling me right after his shower... sometimes he just sits or walks around his dorm in nothing but the towel around his waist, showing off his drool-worthy ripped and newly tattooed body... that man is sex on legs and he doesn't even know it. He could turn any man... not that it would be necessary in my case. I mean, I'm bi and I've known it for ages...

My girlfriend actually knows about my 'unhealthy obsession' (her words) with my best friend but she also says that she doesn't care as long as I'm fully with her when I'm with her... we only rarely have sex and I think she knows what's holding me back. I mean, it helps that I know that Nick is as straight as they come... I'll get over him eventually... maybe... possibly...

Who am I kidding... I've been head over heels for that guy since the first time I laid eyes on him. I'd literally been in my new school for about 10 minutes when Mr Philips walked me to my new classroom, introduced me to my new classmates and made me sit next to the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. My heart had skipped a beat or two but I'd somehow managed to say hello and smile. He'd smiled back and, after school that very same day, he had asked me if I wanted to be his best friend and come and play at his house the following weekend.

From that day on, we had been inseparable and, to this day, we've remained super close... well, as close as we can considering that we have both moved away from our hometown and on to different countries. That's why Skype nights are so important. To make sure we still make time for 'us'... just Nick and Kris, like before... only that these nights are getting increasingly difficult for me... I hate having to kick Mel out every time, even though she assures me she totally understands and respects our 'boys-time'.

Why I hate Wednesdays? I hate the fact that I love my Nick nights more than the entire rest of the week with my girlfriend... that Skype nights are the highlight of my week... the one night I really look forward to... the one hour that makes me unbelievably happy, no matter what... the one hour where I can just be me... well at least up to 90%. The 10% of me that want to just blurt out that I fucking love him and have done for the past 9 years... yeah, those 10% get locked away safely at the back of my head during Skype night.

Yeah... that's why it's my least favourite time of the week... I hate the fact that I love it so much... that I love him so much. But I also know we can't be... so it's fine. He still remains my best friend and I'm more than ok with that. As long as I have him in my life somehow, I'm more than happy.

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