Wednesday night loving

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Nick's pov

The minute we walk into Kris' apartment, he slams the door shut and shoves me up against it, kissing me hungrily like I'm all he has ever craved his entire life. Oh yeah, well back atcha, baby.

His hands eagerly fumble at my shirt  and before I know it, we're both shirtless and panting, and I'm being pushed down onto the couch. Kris is quick to straddle me and gets back to devouring my mouth again whilst he starts dryfucking me into oblivion. He rolls his hips smoothly against me, rubbing our covered dicks together and, fuck, if the feeling isn't incredible. I slip my hands down the back of his pants and grab his asscheeks, squeezing them hard. God, his ass is perfect.

Kris breaks away from our kiss and touches his forehead to mine. "Nick, I... I've never been with a boy before but I would really like to make you feel good... um... may I?" Kris whispers, hesitantly toying with the waistband of my pants. "You may", I answer with a nervous chuckle before pecking his lips. "And I'm pretty sure there's nothing you could do that wouldn't make me feel good", I add with a wink.

Kris gives me a shy smile and bites his lip as he slowly unzips my jeans. Before I can start to shimmy out of my pants, he slips his hand in and starts to palm my throbbing erection through my briefs whilst his mouth attacks my right nipple. Oh fuck yes.

I moan loudly and thrust against his hand, loving the heat, the friction. But I need more. As if reading my mind, Kris moves off me and tugs my jeans and underwear down in one swift motion. As my hard leaking dick springs out of its confines, Kris just stares at it hungrily and licks his lips.

Before I know it, he is grabbing my cock again, his hand slowly twisting and jerking up and down my hard shaft, whilst the pad of his thumb flicks over my piercing. "Oh fuck, baby, I love how your hands feel on me", I moan, as I continue to move my hips to meet his strokes. I almost blow my wad when his hand is suddenly replaced by his slick tongue that smoothly glides all the way up my shaft, playing with the little metal bar before dipping into my slit. Shit, how am I supposed to hold back?

"Oh my fucking God, yes!" I scream when the hot wetness of his mouth engulfs my dick and starts sucking the life out of me, whilst his hand continues to work the base of my cock,  picking up more and more speed. When I open my eyes, they instantly focus on Kris' beautiful face, his baby blue gaze meeting mine, his sexy lips wrapped about me... I throw my head back and let out a loud growl as my balls draw up... fuck, I never want this to end, the feeling is unbelievable... but I know I can't hold it back any longer.

"Oh fuck, baby, you feel incredible... I can't... I'm gonna... ngh, fuuuuuck". A loud scream rips out of me as I shoot my load down his throat. The way Kris swallows around my dick adds the right amount of pressure and makes my orgasm go on and on...

"That... that... was... just... wow...", I gasp breathlessly, stroking Kris' hair softly with one hand and cupping his cheek with the other to pull him up for a long kiss. "And you're sure this was the first time you sucked cock? Well damn, you could've fooled me, baby."

"Did you enjoy it, then?", Kris asks with a giggle. "I sure as hell enjoyed doing it... you taste so good and your dick is fucking beautiful. And I really can't wait to feel you inside me... ", he trails off and begins to plant kisses all the way down my throat before gently nibbling on him the skin just over my collar bone. "Please say you want to make love to me too, Nick", he whispers against my shoulder, his hips starting to rock against me again, instantly bringing my cock back to life. "Of course I do, baby.  I need you so bad right now", I moan softly despite the crippling anxiety that is starting to rise inside me.

"Well then, let's see what wonders this gorgeous pierced dick of yours can do", Kris whispers, getting up to remove the last of his clothing before straddling me and attacking my neck again.

"Uh, yeah, I guess we'll find out, right?" I laugh nervously and Kris pulls away. "Nick. I've never had sex with a guy before either. We'll figure this out... together. Nothing to be nervous about", he smiles and gives me a reassuring kiss.

"That's not it, Kris..."

He sits up straight and gives me an inquisitive look. "Are you worried? Is... is this going to be your first time having sex since you got your cock pierced?"

I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I look away in embarrassment. When I don't respond, Kris cups my cheeks with both hands and makes me look up at him... and I see realisation dawning in his eyes.

"Your first time... ever...?"

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