Monday night tears

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Kristof's pov

"Yeah... um, yeah, you could say that", I mumble. Fuck, my heart is about to jump out of my chest. Jace, you better be fucking right about all this. "But I don't know if he's ready to know about it yet..."

Nick just stares at me, eyes widening and his mouth open in shock.

Say something...
Say something...

Two long painful minutes go by in absolute silence. I look down at my lap, blinking away the tears that are trying to fight their way out. Tears of disappointment. Tears of frustration. Tears of anger. Anger at Jace for putting stupid ideas in my head. Anger at myself for letting my guard down too fucking easily and getting my hopes up. Tears of... fear. Mortifying, paralysing fear. I'm gonna lose him. I've kept it all locked up for almost ten years and now I've ruined it in less than thirty seconds...

Say something...
Say something.
Shout at me.
Swear at me.
Don't just...look at me like that.
Say something...

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks...

I hear a ragged breath from his side and look up at my screen. Nick is frowning and... crying too.

Oh shit, Nick, no... don't... please...

I've freaked him out and now he doesn't know what to do or say... fuck. Nick, no... I've fucked up. Royally. Fuck!!!

I nervously run my hands through my hair, sniffling. Can I play this off as a joke? Fuck... I need to fix this befor-

"Are you serious, Krissy?" There is something in his voice, which I don't know how to interpret. Is he offering me a way out? Hoping I'll laugh it off?

"Kris...? Are you saying... what I think you're saying?"

I look up. He's still staring at me wide-eyed, sniffling, tears flowing down his cheeks... his pierced tongue sneaks out, moistening his lips with a quick nervous lick. He doesn't look pissed off though. Well, that's something, I guess...

"Kris? Do you... do you like me? Or something?"

I close my eyes and take a deep shaky breath, trying to pluck up all the courage I humanly can. I look up at him and barely manage a whisper...

"If by like, you mean totally fucking crazy about you in a can't-get-you-out-of-my-head kinda way then, yeah, sure, I like you..."

He closes his eyes and shakes his head, letting out another ragged breath. Another sniffle.

Oh God, fuck, why can't I fucking keep my mouth shut!? I'm gonna lose my best friend...

"Nick, I'm sorry... I didn't... shit. Please, I don't want to ruin our friendship. It's more important than anything", I manage between sobs. "Please, can we just forget wh-"

"No", Nick breathes softly. "No, you don't get to take it back now, Kris. Not when I've been waiting half my life to hear you say those words..."

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