Hannam Apartment

"Woah... This is a whole new level. What kind of bastard live here? Is her son a drug dealer or something?"

After getting the permission to enter the building. You walk to the elevator and push the elevator button to the 12th level.

"Woah! This is a hell luxury apartments. Exclusive for a black card owners. Like seriously? Ahjumma son is THAT rich? No no no. He must be working here or something. Yep!"

When the elevator Ding'ing' showing 12th floor on the monitor. The door slowly open but my step is stopped on its track as I'm currently having a mini heart attack.

For the first time, I forgot how to breathe properly and as a signal. A Fucking angel start singing.

The guy standing infront of me is really mesmerising without even trying. It was like god really has taken his own damn time to sculpting him.

Well, to begin with, his hair is dyed blonde and they were so fluffy that she swears, it looks softer than her pillows. His facial features were charming and his lips. Ohhh god His lips! How you wanted to kiss those tempting lips.

As her gaze went downward, she felt herself  choking on her own saliva because of the visible tan skin and muscular thigh.

"Umm miss? Are you okay?" Fuck, even his voice is pleasing to hear.

'Cut it out y/n. Chill out. Being all obsessed is scaring him. You're cool. You're cool'

"Um.. I'm okay just a little bit outta head ahaha y'know tired and all" you step out of the elevator while he get inside the elevator.

"I hope you're okay. Have a rest when you can" he said before pushing one of the button. The elevator door slowly sliding closed but it's slide open back when he block the door with his hand.

"Here, drink some water to rehydrate you" he give you his mineral water. And you take it with a trembling hand that you really tried not to show.

"Thank you" your voice turned 3 octave slower. Nearly turned to a whisper unknowingly.

"You should really find some rest though. You're trembling" he look worried

"Y-yeah i should. T-thanks"

'Jimin worried about me. I think i can die in peace now.'

He wave his hand while giving you a blinding smile before the elevator door slide close again.

You were jumping and getting excited by yourself. Kicking the air with your leg whilst flailing your arms around. Feeling yourself with a imaginary music.

"Ahhhh it's park jimin. It's park fucking jimin!! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!! Hu hu.... hu hu!! I can't believe it! I saw him with my very own eyes!! He's so perfect. He's so nice, he's so... So!! Arghh it's fucking park jimin!! I just have a conversation with park jimin! Someone Kill me!" You fangirling by yourself infront of the elevator unknowingly someone saw it all from the cctv camera.

Raising the water bottle above your head while rolling around in circles, you promise to yourself. "I won't drink this mineral water eventhough it's the last water on earth. I will take care of you and cherish you and named you holly trinity chimmy water"

"I'm so lucky today!" You skip toward the main reason why you were here in the first place. Skipping toward the penthouse happily.


You press the doorbell a few times but no one is responding.

"Is no one home? I should call that old lady"

'persona! Who the hell am i? I just wanna g-'

"woah, never thought ahjumma love bts too. Her ringtone is a real kick for a middle age woman like her."

A few rings after..

"Hell- oh it's you. Why?" Her soft voice turned normal after knowing it was you who had called her.

"There's no one home."

"Ofcourse no one is home. We're at the restaurant. Working, you dumbass"

"No, i mean your son! Your second son is not home"

"Ohhh.. nah i think he's home."

"Urghh. Okay let's say he's 'home'. But he doesn't answer the doorbell. What should i do?"

"Go inside, what else?" I face palm myself. Making sure she heard how hard i slap my own face.

"How" i deep growl.

"Put in the password"

"WhaT iS tHE pAssWoRd. There's billion of numbers he could choose for his password you old lady!"

"Try 1 to 7" she simply said

"That's not gonna work. What kind of people would put that password?" i commented but my fingers are still busy pressing the numbers. And strangely it works!

"I told you so" you could clearly heard the ahjumma mocking you

"Whatever, your son is an idiot!" You said before coming in. Greeting yourself in, hoping you would see a beautiful and how  dazzling luxury apartments would be.

But your smile turn to frown as you saw how messy the place is with clothes all over, sink is full with used plates and glasses. Crumbs and snacks plastic all over the floor... You could list everything in a day if you have to. But litteraly don't have the time for that.

"Hey lady, i think pig house is far much more better than your son's house"

"That's why you are there to begin with, smarty pants" she casually said to me

I sighed

"You're lucky, I'm lucky and happy today, you old lady!"

I ended the call and put my phone in the back pocket.

Putting the delivery bag on top of the coffee table that were hiding under a pile of clothes.

"Okay. Where to start?"

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