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2 month had gone like a wind after Min Yana passed away. The news slowly began to calmed down and everyone are living their normal life. BTS already continued with their schedule again, going back to normal after having their break to respect yoongi's wife passing away.

"Unnie i will have my break now" chaeyoung inform you about her absence

"Okay don't take it too long and don't go to the boy you had crushed for. You'll take forever just to stare at him"

"Allright allright. Geez you should find yourself a man unnie. " You rolled your eyes at her eventhough she won't see it.

The bell chimes and you stand up from your seat " Welcome to memories flower shop what can i he-.. ... Jimin?"


You put two glass of chamomile tea on the table Infront of your shop. He look calmed sitting there, surrounding by flowers inhaling the flowers scent. The longer he sat there, more curious tou were of what he would say to you after all this years.

"It's been a long time huh "

"Y-yeah.." tucking your hear behind the ears

"I see no men lining up Infront of your door" you remember the joke you say to him about  two years ago at the train station makes you burst in your laughter.

"You cut your hair short. It's beautiful"

"Thanks.. you dyed your hair pink. It strangely suit you" he hums to your compliment

No one start the conversation and you know he is silently teasing you.

"How do you know where to find me?" You start

"Thanks to yoongi hyung"

"And how can he find me"

"He remembered we go to the same school and he started to find your information there. Fortunately he met your friend there and she told us you open a flower shop Infront of your house. When yoongi hyung came alone, you were not here, But in a pizza restaurant wearing tomato suit as what your part timer had told him" he explained, laughing at the end of his sentence. Imagining you in your traumatic tomato suit.

"Shut up."

"So how's life? Everything good?"

"Everything fine" you drink your tea

"You change your number and cut our connection. You have a lot to explained y/n" he frowned

"I'm sorry" you said and he sighs

"It's okay, i understand. As long as you're okay. Then that's fine"

"How is everyone?"

"They're annoying like always. But we'll manage" his eyes staring at your hands on top of the table.


"If it's about yoongi. I don't want to know anything" you cut him which he replied with a awkward smile whilst taking your hand in his.

"It's not about yoongi hyung. It's about you. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling free. I'll running away from my responsibility and it feels good."

"Y/n stop running away, he needs you"

"And know he needs me? Where is he when i need him?"

"Y/n you know h-"

"I know! But can't he told me about it? How can he not told you guys about it?. I just hope he put more trust on me. On us!"

"I know that is his fault.  He changed and it's sad to see him like that... He didn't eat properly, he lock himself, he smoke, h-"

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