Chapter Four - Wanna Race?

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Chapter Four - Wanna Race?

:.Liv's POV:.

"How did you find us?" I asked Merlin as I tended to Shane's arm.

"I sensed something off in your direction. I know it wasn't much to go off, but I'm glad I reacted the way I did, or else we might not have made it in time." Merlin responded sitting next to his friend.

Felix spoke up, "I don't think he would have killed Shane, weather we made it there in time or not." He leaned into the window and looked out. "But he could have given him more severe injuries if we hadn't."

"Well, he won't be able to speak for a few days," I replied. "You are lucky that he didn't break a wind pipe or something of that nature." I smiled and lightly punched Shane in his fully usable arm. Shane flinched a little then rolled it off. "Heh, sorry."

"We finished the farm!" VC came in followed by Jalvajar.

"I also found us a few chickens, soo," Jalvajar threw a few raw chicken into the furnace.

"Okay, I know we kinda have an evil sorcerer guy after us for some unknown reason, but we really should go mining." VC crossed her arms. "If I don't find some redstone I'm going to explode."

"Okay then," Felix looked over at me as I added the finishing touches to Shane's arm. "I'll go with VC to mine, the rest of you stay here. Shane is not moving, and you two." He glared at Merlin and I, "Entity said something about you, so you sure as heck aren't going anywhere. Jalvajar, do you want to come or-?"

"If you think that I am going to stay cooped up in here you are wrong." Jalvajar jumped back up.

Felix nodded. "Okay then, we'll see you soon." The three of them left us.

??? POV

Entity returned in a cloud of smoke. "Yep. They were definitely sent here by Notch, but only half." He grinned, "The other half is form Herobrine. Believe it or not."

"Oh really? So they are finally taking our advice after all theses years." I replied.

"Well it's too late now." He pulled down his hood, revealing skin (if it was even skin) darker than an enderman. It was as if light didn't exist around him. All that you could make out were his glowing red eyes, and his sharpened teeth. "They have already proven that they do not deserve their thrones."

"Oh, and you do I suppose?" I glared.

"Listen well. You are the apprentice, I am the master. You will not question me."

"Alright, alright. Don't get your hood in a twist." I rolled my eyes. That's what he thinks. I thought. I only needed to hide under Entity for a little while longer. Then I'll finally be able to go out on my own. Just a little longer...

.:VC's POV:.

The guys and I had found a cave not to far from home. We had torches, a decent supply of wood, and a stone pick for each of us. It was a little strange, both of them were on Herobrine's side, but that really didn't seem to matter. Sure at first every one was on edge, but now it's like we had known each other for years. Well, maybe we weren't that close, but we were definitely closer than normal Herobrine or Notch followers are.

"Don't go too far!" I called after Jalvajar. He was already way further into the cave than Felix and I.

"Come on. It's just a cave." Jalvajar placed down a torch and started to mine some iron next to it.

"Jalvajar!" Felix yelled. Jalvajar turned around to see a zombie only a foot away. He quickly whipped out his bow and jumped back. When he landed on his back as he shot an arrow hitting the zombie in the arm, but that didn't stop it. Felix jumped in between the two slicing the zombie's head off. His enchanted sword glowed in the dark, reflecting off of his golden scarf that still laid across his nose like a mask. "Be careful!" Felix yelled at Jalvajar, as he grabbed his hand and helped him back up.

"Heh, that was a little close!" Jalvajar smiled as if nothing happened. Felix looked furious and pushed Jalvajar back down. "Alright! Alright, I'll be more careful... maybe." Felix glared and walked over to another side of the cave placing down a torch and mining some more iron.

My heart was racing a bit, I walked around the corps that laid on the ground. All the excitement around here was getting a bit out of hand.

We traveled pretty far into the cave, leaving a trail of torches to lead us out. The cave's seemed to go on forever. After we had collected some gold, and about a stack of redstone and even more iron, we decided to head home. Actually I'm surprised we are calling it home, even though we have only lived there for..almost a week now. Wow. Almost a week. In one way it's surprising that its been that long, but in another, its surprising that it's been that long.


I haven't had a cookie in almost a week. I need a fricken cookie. Wait who am I talking too?

.:Jalvajar's POV:.

(is there like a way to shorten his name? Like a nickname or something? It's an awesome name, but a pain to write XD)

We had made it out of the cave, I carried all of the gold. I had to say I was thankful to Felix for saving me, but I'm pretty sure I would have been fine. Also, he didn't have to push me so hard. I pushed back my thoughts, letting a new one enter. "Hey, race you back home?"

"No Jalvajar. We need to stick together, Entity could still be out there." VC said, and Felix nodded in agreement.

"Aw come on you guys. Chicken?" I goaded them on.

"NO." Felix growled. He walked ahead of Vc and I.

"Okay then. See ya, when you get home!"

"Wait what do you-" I had already taken off racing towards the house.


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