Chapter Five - Watch out

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Chapter five - Watch out

.:Merlin's POV:.

Shane laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Soo..." Liv broke the silence. "What else do you know about Entity?" She looked at me.

Shane sat up and tilted his head, suggesting that he was curious as well. "Um, not much. Like I said, he was Herobrine's most powerful follower. Some even said he was just as powerful as Herobrine himself. I'm pretty sure that was what caused him to go rogue."

"Basically he was power hungry right?" Liv asked.

"Seems that way."

"What do you think Shane?"

Shane opened his mouth then stopped when no sound came out. He gave an annoyed glare at Liv as she giggled and crossed his arms. I could definitely tell that the no speaking thing was getting on his nerves. I got up from sitting on my bed and walked over to the window.

"Anyway, what do you think 303 is doing here?" Liv asked.

"I don't know, he hasn't been seen for decades, some even thought he was banished, or killed, or something like that. But seeing as us being here, and he being here, he might just want to get back at Herobrine and Notch." That was what troubled me. He could do anything, he was capable of wiping us all out in an instant, so why hasn't he yet? The sky was growing darker. "Umm, they still aren't back yet." I said a little worried, my thoughts on Entity did not help much.

"I'm sure they'll be back any sec." Liv said getting up then standing next to me to look out the window. Shane looked worried as well.

"Maybe I should go look for them..."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Liv kept her gaze out the window. Shane waved his hand like he was trying to say 'don't go!'

"Yah, I'll be fine," I headed towards the door. "He's already gone at us once today I don't think he'll do it again so soon. You stay here with Shane." As I reached for the door I saw Shane facepalmed with his free hand.

I went in the direction they had gone and walked for a little while. I realized this was the first time I had been by myself in awhile. Shane and I had met in the forest about a week before we showed up here, and about another week has past. Before that I had been on my own, now being alone felt, rather strange. I heard voices. It sounded like the others, then- *BANG*

"OW!" I fell to the ground, something had pushed me over and it was on top of me. "JAL?!"

Alarmed Jalvajar looked up then jumped off me. "Dangit Notch! Watch where the Nether you are going!" He stood up acting like it wasn't his fault, and brushed himself off.

I grumbled, "Maybe you shouldn't be running through the forest like an idiot then!" My shirt turned a deep black color with red trim. I tried to calm myself and took a deep breath then stood back up. VC and Felix came running up.

"What the nether Jal?" Felix said then saw me. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was looking for you, it's almost sunset if you haven't noticed." I crossed my arms.

"Felix it's fine, lets just get back home." VC said and walked past us. Felix growled and adjusted his scarf, then followed her, glaring at me as he passed.

"Well?" I looked at Jal, who was still standing there staring at me.

"Nothing." He followed the others.

I sighed and followed as well.

.:Liv's POV:.

Everyone had gotten home safely and they had all fallen asleep shortly after that. I didn't need as much sleep as most of the others because I was ender, so I stayed up and watched the stars outside the window. I then heard a door open and close. I quickly grabbed my sword and went to investigate. It was Felix. He had walked outside, so I followed him. He came to the farm, and looked down into the pool. Then he took off his scarf. It dawned on me that that was the first time I had seen him without his scarf on. And now I knew why. Up his neck, and wrapping around his chin and towards his mouth was dark dried skin. Whither curse.

I couldn't just stay there and do nothing. "Umm, hey?"

He quickly whipped around startled. "Liv?! What are you-" He quickly pulled his scarf back up.

"Bit to late, I saw."

"So." He looked away, and his gold eyes refused to make contact with my purple ones.

"It's whither curse isn't it? You know Merlin and I could-"

"No." He glared. "Magic is what did this to me."

"But it's magic that could fix it." I said worried, "You will die from it eventually!"

"I think I'll take my chances."

Why would he do that? Seriously, there is no way to remove the curse without magic. He is going to get himself killed.

The mobs were starting to come out, I thought I could hear a zombie. "We should probably go back home."

"You are not going to tell anyone elce about this right?" Felix looked at me.



Sorry about sucky chapter guys XP i had something planned but it didn't exactly work out. I wrote like four different povs, that i had to scrap lol i half had the mind to name this chapter "Why Felix is so grumpy"

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