Chapter Sixteen - Calling

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Chapter Sixteen -

.:Third Person POV:.

Felix entered second stage the next day. He locked himself in his house and wouldn't let anyone in. Not even Avin. The rest of the group was informed of his condition. Liv asked VC if she could brew regeneration potions to hopefully slow down the process. They left potions outside of Felix's door, but there was no way they could force him to take them, so there was no knowing for sure if he would. Merlin said that the third stage is unpredictable, and that it could happen anytime from the day he entered the second stage. The curse wasn't just a threat to Felix anymore. It was a threat to them all. They had to act fast if it was to be stopped.

Night flew over the day after Felix entered second stage. Even though everyone was told to stay away she still came. She sat outside with her back to his door looking up at the glorious stars. "The one pointing towards the moon is Steve's Sword!" Sami pointed up towards the sky. "Oh! And the one that is about a few points away is the White Enderman's Bow! And curled up, around the moon, it the Ender Dragon! I've always thought it was kinda like the dragon was protecting the moon like it's egg." Felix listened as she went on about the stars, picturing each one in his head as she described the formations. Each word helped him hang onto his sanity, that he could already feel slipping away ever so slowly. "Since this is a new world.. you think that I'm the first astronomer? That would be cool." Her ear twitched, and her eyes light up with every spark in the sky.

Unfortunately another character was listening and already deciding how to use this situation to her advantage. Eryss watched Sami talk from the window her and Red's home. Red was fast asleep, wrapped up in as many wool blankets as she could find. Sami looked like she was getting tired. Eryss put on her coat and walked outside to help Sami back to her home. "It's probably best to go back inside and sleep now Sami."

"She's right." A voice surprised Eryss. Turning around she saw Avin. "Go on home Sami." Sami noded and headed over to VC's home, where she was staying. Avin turned and glared at Eryss. "Stay away from my brother." That was all he said to her, with a glare he walked back to his home which was right next to Felix's.

Jalvajar watched the scene go down from his own home. "...What do they know?" He asked out loud to himself.


"Come on!" Jal jumped over a log. He, Shane, and Vc were showing Logan, Snow and Sami around the land they called New Spawn. It was a rather nice distraction from the always looming doom of a human timebomb that could explode any moment.

"Slow down!" Logan laughed trying to keep up.

"Oh you're just too slow!" Snow kept the same pace as Jal, with Sami only a little ahead of them both.

"No I'm pretty sure you three are just abnormally fast." Shane replied.

"Yah, let's slow it down a little guys." VC said blowing a strand of brown hair out of her face.

"Hey! Look! The farm!" Sami darted over to the sheep pen.

"And here we find ourselves at the farm. Also known as the place Shane nearly died."

"Okay, seriously?" Shane glared at Jal.

"Waaaa?" Jal grinned.

VC petted some of the sheep and kept an eye on Sami. Some how the young feline had ended up under her supervision. It was nice to have Sami around, not only was she very kind, and always pepy, but she also kept away the creepers, a fortunate side effect of being a cat hybrid.

"Maybe we should head back." Snow said as she looked up towards the sun. "I promised Liv and Merlin I'd help out with some magic stuff."

"We should probably go back to, I need to brew some more potions." VC straightened her dress.

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