Chapter Eleven - Blood.

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Chapter Eleven - Blood.

.:Liv's POV:.

"Merlin!" I watched as Entity grabbed hold of Merlin. He struggled to fight back, but he was losing the fight. I rushed in to help, but my magic was still neutralized.

"Back away." Entity glared, putting up a barrier between Himself and Merlin, and the rest of us.

"Guys, g-get out of here!" Merlin yelled. Entity had him in a headlock with a knife close to his throat.

"What? No! We're not leaving you behind!" Shane called, holding his own knife in his left hand.

"You... you have too..." Each word became more and more difficult for Merlin to say.

"Hah. Running won't help you!" Entity;s eyes blazed and his dark sharp grin curled up.

"Lets get this over with." Jal leaded his bow and aimed it for Entity's head.

"Drop your shield coward." Felix readied his sword.

"Liv!" Shane ran up to me, putting down his knife for a second, and pulling out my own sword.

He handed it to me. "Thank you." I held my sword in my hand, I could already feel some of my power returning.

Merlin had stopped struggling. "Okay. Now we'll have some fun." Entity dropped the barrier. A sword materialized in his hand, "Merlin, would you like to start the show?" Entity was too happy about this.

Merlin's whole demeanor changed. His shirt was now black with red trim, and his eyes glowed a ghostly blue. "Alright. Opening act. Part one. Nether bound?"

"Thought you would never ask." Entity shot himself in to the air and hovered only about a foot below the ceiling.

"M-Merlin?" Fear was all over Shane's face, and I was terrified too. Terrified for our friend, what did Entity do?

"Should have left when you had the chance." Merlin smirked, everything about him had darkened. "Now. Where to start."

"What did you do to him?!" Felix looked up at Entity, who only grinned in response.

"I simply returned him to his former self." Entity landed only a few feet away from Felix. "I'll take the archers and this one Merlin, you go after the others."

Merlin nodded and the the fight broke out. Entity and Felix's swords clashed. Merlin came after me. I raised my sword to block his. "Merlin!? What are you doing?!"

He stopped for a moment, and blinked, watching me. A confused look came over him. Then fear. "I don't know!" I saw his normal self.

"Merlin! Go!" Entity growled as Felix came in for another attack.

Merlin snapped back into the strange trance and jumped at me again. All I could do was defend myself and pray that I this doesn't end with one of us dead.

.:Third person POV

"Damit, JAL! Shoot him!!!" Felix yelled as Entity pushed him up against the wall.

Jal fired and the arrow whized by. Entity teleported away before the arrow made contact. "Takes more than an arrow to take me down." Then another arrow flew by and lodged itself into his hand. "OW! What the-" He turned around to glare at VC. She reloaded her cross bow. Jal took the chance to let loose another arrow and it lodged itself into Entity's back. "Wh-what..." Felix took his chance and charged, plunging his diamond blade into Entity's back and through his chest. "No... this isn't part of the plan.."

"Have fun in the nether's soulscape." Felix pulled out his blade and Entity crumbled to the ground. VC stepped back as red blood pooled around Entity staining his white coat. The darkness that had covered his face slowly drained away revealing extremely pale skin and dark hair. The strange thing was he looked young... like maybe barely ten years old. It twisted in VC's stomach. Felix didn't think about it, he simply cleaned his blade, and Jal.. no one was sure what was going through his head.

"Help! Over here! Help!" Liv screamed shaking.

The three who had defeated Entity ran over to see what had happened. Liv was standing over Merlin's body, barely able to keep her feet sturdy. "He- he..!" Her sword was bloody and there was another pool of glistening blood on the floor surrounding Merlin.

"I-is he...?"



OH herobrine I suck at writing action scenes..

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