Chapter Twenty-Tree - Listen

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Chapter Twenty-Three -

.:Third Person POV:.

The air was chilled in the morning. Clouds had come in during the night and covered the sky like a blanket. Two man sized holes scorched the plains. The smell of fresh earth laid thick on Jalvajar's and Merlin's shovels.

No one was really good with this sorta thing. They didn't really know what to say as they stood around the two graves. Everyone was a mess. Sure, they all had dealt with some sort of loss at one point in time, but for some like Liv and Merlin it had been a very long time.

"How long are they going to sit around depressed?"

"They'll hopefully find an incentive soon. Most likely to find the murderer."

"I wish they would hurry up then."

"We can't do anything to force them."

"Couldn't we like.. posses them or something?"

"Don't even try."

"... Fine. But they better hurry up. Another thing, why are we here? Shouldn't we be going to the ather.. or in my case.. the nether?"

"The nether and the ather were the first places to go the first time. Right now we are trapped here until the world ends...which is soon. And hey, you tried to save me... you sacrificed yourself. The nether wouldn't accept you."

"Fine... but this... sucks."

"It's better than being trapped in eternal limbo."

"I guess.... Hey where are you going?"

"To check on someone.."

"Oh. Yah."

Felix had locked himself in his room. Laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. "I got over a curse...for this?" He sighed trying to keep back tears.

"I wish I could be there for him... "

"If you were there for him, he wouldn't be where he is now."

"Avin?" Felix sat up.

"Wait.. did he..hear us?"

"I-I don't know. "

Felix layed back down. "Yep. I'm going crazy."

"No... wait, Felix? Can you hear me?"

Felix sat up again. "Maybe..?"

"You can! Oh Notch this is great!"

"Can he hear me?"

"Avin?" Felix looked around the room to see where Avin was. "Where are you?!"

"I'm standing by the door!"

"Can you hear me Felix?"

Felix saw Avin standing near the door. It was a rather frightening scene. Avin still had a large gash in his chest along with blood stains all over him. Not to mention his black eyes with white pupils.

"H-hold on, Felix, can you hear Shane?"

"No... is he here with you?"


"Notch Shane! No need to yell!!"

"He can't freaking hear me. You have got to be joking."

Felix sighed again. "I'm going crazy."

"No! You're not. Listen. I need to tell you what happened!"



A huge explosion was heard off in the distance. Eryss came running into camp. "Help! Please!! Someone!" She stumbled and fell. Merlin ran over to help her up.

"Are you okay!? Where have you been?" He asked helping her up.

"The.. .the forest. Red and I-" She began to cry. "We were trying to use redstone to create a sturdy supply of ore..and.... an..."

"Eryss!" VC and Sami ran over to help as well.

"Eryss, and what?" Merlin asked.

"Red was working with the tnt when... Entity." Her sobs were heavy. "Entity came and set them off... He killed Red!" Streams of tears dripped down her face.

"Entity.. did that?" Shane didn't believe it. He couldn't. Entity was different now. He was sure of it.

"Yes.." Eryss wiped at her watery eyes. "I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to stop him. Notch I'm so useless!"

VC put her hand over Eryss's shoulder. "No I don't think there is anything you could have done.." They lead Eryss into VC's home, which seemed to be acting like the local hospital of late. Eryss continued sobbing and mumbling things about the incident.

"So... It was Entity that killed Shane and Avin." Jal had seen the whole thing. And heard as well.

"No, I'm sure there is some other explanation." Merlin fought desperately for that other explanation.

"Merlin who else do you think could have done that!? Shane literally killed himself and Avin was stabbed. We haven't seen the demon since he left! What other explanation is there?!"

"You're the one to talk! Who has the demonic bat wings and horns?!"

Merlin and Jal stared each other down until Jal finally took off flying. "...What, was that about?" Snow was about ten feet away. She rubbed her arm and looked very melancholy.

"I...." Merlin didn't finish his reply and Began to walk into the forest. He was going to try and look for Entity again.

Snow sighed leaving a trail of white mist from her breath to hang in the air. She walked towards Liv's cabin.

*knock knock*

The door called out to Liv. Liv was doing all that she could to distract herself. She was knee deep in spell books and ender enchantments. "Come in!" She put on the as straight a face she could manage to hide her crying soul.

"Hi Liv." Snow stepped in. "Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much." Liv sparked a little magic into the air like a mini purple firework. The two started helping eachother with magic. Snow was limited to only ice, and Liv's knowledge only passed a few spells outside of ender magic but they still did their best to have fun.


"I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble." Eryss apologized to VC.

"Don't worry. It's nothing at all." VC handed her a potion of regeneration and then went to drink some water. "You've been through a lot... we all have theses last few days."

"It seems like the world is so much darker..." Eryss said looking out the window. That was because it was. Without the nether to warm the land, or the ather to shine light, it was going to get colder, and darker every day until the end.

"Well. Red isn't the only one we've lost.. Shane and Avin... they were killed yesterday." VC held back tears but.. it was hard. She stopped what she was doing, and her shoulders drooped. She leaned against the countertop and her head hung down.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!!" Eryss jumped up to try and comfort VC. "Oh.. if only Red and I never gone out to do that stupid thing. We might have been here and might have been able to help... and Red wouldn't be dead.."

"No... Eryss stop, you don't need to think that way.. what's done.. is done.."

"I'm so sorry." Eryss wasn't sorry enough. Behind her back she added a little something to VC's water. "Do you need something to drink? You look a little pale.."

"Yes.. thank you." VC took a gulp.


wwwwhhhooooooooooooooooooo yah


look at that



this might be the last chapter for a little while, I got to start doing school again... yay -.-

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