Chapter Fourteen - We'll be okay

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Chapter Fourteen - We'll be okay

.:Snow's POV:.

We had spent the night at the strange house. Honestly I didn't know who to trust, or why any of us were here. All I knew was that I was here, with strange people, in a strange land. Well, even though they are strange, at least they seemed pretty nice. I got to talk to Red, Sami and Liv, Sami was an escaped experiment from Dinnerbone labs, and Liv has lived here for about half a year. I think I could get used to it here.

In the morning we discussed what we were supposed to do. Avin said that we were basically a colony, and that we should start by finding places for us to stay, and lay down some rules.

"Um, rules?" Jalvajar didn't seem to like the sound of that.

"Just basic ones." Avin replied. I thought it was funny that he and Felix were twins. They were exact opposites in personality and looks. In fact Avin looked and acted a lot older than Felix which was strange. Twins are like the same age.. right?

We went over what the rules were going to be, we didn't have anything official yet, but they were good enough for now. Basic stuff like no stealing or killing, that kinda stuff. Not that anyone here would kill anyone, well, at least I don't think so. I really can't say since I've only been here a day.

Shane looked around at all the people who were in the main room. Twelve, but that one girl still hadn't returned so I guess thirteen. "So. Where is everyone going to stay? We going to be adding on to the house or...?" He asked.

"Yah, I was wondering the same." I spoke up.

"Well, if this is supposed to be like a colony, maybe we should start building everyone their own homes." Merlin looked like he had just finished counting the company as well. "We had planned on doing that eventually anyway."

"That sounds cool! Do I get my own house?!" Entity piped up.

"UUH.... No, how about you stay with Merlin for now okay?" Liv quickly answered Entity, who looked a little disappointed.

"Alright, then I guess we're building hoses now?" Logan said, she was the girl with the dark hoodie and glasses.

"Seems like it!" Sami smiled, her sharp canines visible.

"Okay, so who is a good builder? Red asked looking around.

"Shane is!" VC pointed to Shane.

.:Red's POV:.

I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that refused to leave. After everyone left to gather the supplies I stayed back at the main building to wait and see if Eryss would show up. Felix had stayed behind as well. I sat at the window looking out. I was probably there for about an hour befor I gave in to the thought that she might not come back. It worried me sick.

Then, a flicker in the brush, and then Eryss. I jumped up from where I was sitting and ran out to meet her. "Eryss!"

"Red!" She hugged me back this time, that was good.

"Are you okay!? I was so worried about you!"

"Yes, yes! I'm fine, it, just came as a shock ya' know?" She stood back, I hadn't noticed the staff in her hand before.

"Whats this?" I reached out to touch it but she moved it away.

"I'll tell you later, first, I've got something to show ya'." Her eyes light up with the mischievous little twinkle she got when she was about to get us into trouble. (Which was in fact, really rare because normally I was the one getting us into trouble.)

Eryss grabbed my wrist and began dragging my through the forest. "Where are we going!?" I called trying to keep up.

"You'll see!" She smiled and we ran through the forest.

.:Shane's POV:.

About a day or so later, after the whole confusing bit with random, but not so random, people coming to our house, they started to move in. I began to build the homes with the help of everyone else. Merlin and Entity used what magic they could to help lift a few of the heavy things. Honestly it was hard to separate Entity from Merlin's side. Avin said that Entity would need a helping hand to keep him from repeating his past mistakes, and no one knew more about his past mistakes than Merlin. I guess that kinda made Entity Merlin's apprentice..of sorts. Avin helped a bit with the building as well. Apparently he was a parkourist, so he and Sami were able to reach the higher places faster. Even though everyone was freaked out by Entity, I couldn't get over Sami's ears and tail... and claws, and sharp teeth. She was literally a cat. She looked like a human, and a cat. You get the point.. I think.

Anyway we finished about two homes then night fell. The homes were simple, eight by eight boxes, but functional. Fortunately this was going to go by a lot faster than we had expected. I got to know some of the newbies which was fun, Avin was fun to talk to, and Snow was a lot of help while building.

You know, I think we are going ot be okay. No one has come close to dying since the tower, well, that is if you don't count Felix and Avin nearly killing each other several times. We really need to keep the apart. Oh and Liv was extremely jumpy around Entity. But that was all in the past. We'll be okay.


A nice happy chapter for you all. Kinda boring, but oh well!

I wanted to ask you guys, what are you favorite and least favorite mobs? Just curious ^.^

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