Chapter Seven - Between us.

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Chapter Seven - Between us.

.:Jalvajar's POV:.

Felix and I were out mining. By now we had explored most of the cave and gathered most of the ores, but there were still a few darkplaces to 'splore.

"Just a few more blocks, Jal, then we'll head home." Felix said, as he picked up some lapis.

"Right, I'll be- OH MY HEROBRINE DIAMONDS." I spotted them across a lava pit. Diamonds, good. Lava, bad.. well that is if you're falling into it.

"Where?!" Felix ran over and saw the lava. "Oh, well... Guess we mine towards them?" I had already started to make a bridge over to them. "Jal, that isn't safe."

"Don't worry, I've done this a million times!" I reassured him as I snuck across my make shift bridge. Fortunately most of the lava was only one block deep.

""Makes me wonder how you're still alive..."



I made it across without falling in. "See, I got this." I lifted my iron pick to start swinging at the beautiful blue jewels. Felix made my bridge a bit more safe as he crossed. I mined at the diamonds. One. Two... I thought I could hear something from the other side. "Hey, Felix can you hear this?" I asked, he walked up next to me and stood quietly for a moment.

"I.... I think it's a.." He took up his own pick and mined down the other two diamonds revealing a new opening.

"A, what?" There seemed to be a soft, purple and orange glow, along with a ghostly swooshing sound.

"A nether portal." Felix stepped in, and I took a moment before following. The floor became softer than the normal stone. An abnormal heat seemed to hang in the air, along with strange smells similar to that of rotting flesh, but not as strong. The substance surrounding the portal was matted and reddish. The whole room was dark, besides the glow from the portal itself, and the flickering from two fires to either side. The black frame towered over the two of us.

"This is an actual nether portal?"


"How do you know?"

"One. We're standing on netherrack. Two. I've been through one before, so I'm pretty sure this leads to the hell biome."

"So... what is it doing here?"

Felix shrugged, "I would guess it's for Herobrine, or at least has something to do with him."

"Okay.." I looked up at the portal doing my best to hide my nerves. "So what do we do?"

Felix didn't take his eyes off the portal, "Nothing. At least not yet. We'll keep this between the two of us."

"What about the others?"

"Just us." I really didn't agree with Felix, we should at least tell Liv, but I also didn't feel like getting pummeled. I bit my tongue for now, and we cealed the portal room back up. We decided to go back up to the surface and on to home.

.:Merlin's POV:.

We helped Eryss to our home and bandaged her up. She was nice, and I wanted to like her, but there was something... off. I'll have to ask Liv when she gets back how she feels to confirm my suspicions.

"How did you get here?" Shane asked sitting across from her.

"I'm not sure, one moment I was running from a pack of zombies, and the next...."

"You were here?" I finished.

"Well, not here. But in the woods where you found me." She smiled, her red eyes lighting up as she took a sip of the milk we had brought her.

I heard people outside, it sounded like Felix and Jal had made it home. "Hey Shane! The place looks great!" Jal said as he bolted into the house. "You won't believe what we found!" Felix shot Jal a glare, then Jal smirked back, "Four whole diamonds!"

Felix seemed to relax for a second then his eyes fell on us. "Who is that?" He placed his hand on his sword hilt.

"Oh, uh, this is Eryss!" Shane said standing up. "We found her in the woods, and helped her out."

"I-I'm sorry for intruding." Eryss looked a bit frightened. "I won't be of any trouble, I'll leave now."

"No! It's fine!" Shane replied. "Felix calm down!" He looked at me for help.

"Uh, Felix, she's okay, she can't do anything right now. She's harmless." I motioned for him to take his hand off his sword. With a little bit of a grumble he complied.

Jal looked a bit nervous as well. If I remember right, he was like this when we first met. I guess he just doesn't like new people much.

"Um, Eryss, this is Jalvajar and Felix." Shane introduced them. Felix bowed his head a little, and Jal waved.

We went back to our normal routine, with the exception of Eryss. Felix decided to take his time to interrogate her, asking questions like, 'where are you from?' or 'whose side are you on?'. It was going fairly smoothly, until he asked, "Don't you have some family or some one looking for you?"

Eryss paused for a moment, and looked down. "I had a sister once. But she is gone now." Another pause. "What about you?"

Felix looked up at her, "What?"

"What about your family? Don't any of you have people out there looking for you?"

The room went silent. Shane ran out and into his room, practically slamming the door. I thought about my own sister, where she was, what she was doing.

"Yes, a brother. My twin actually." Felix replied. Both he and Eryss continued on with the conversation, as I walked over to Shane's door to check on him.

"Shane?" I knocked on the door. "You okay?"

There was silence for little while. "Yeah. I-I'm okay. Just leave me alone for a bit." I sighed and did as he asked, and found myself walking into my own room and face planted onto my bed.

I woke up to hear baning on my door. "Merlin! Merlin are you in there?!" It was VC. I realised that I must have fallen asleep.

"Ye-yeah I'm here, what do you want?"

"It's Liv! She's missing!"


Hey Every creature~~

wooh, Liv? I wonder where you went? Hmmm....

Anyway, if you haven't make sure to check out the note before this. I'm wanting to bring in the next characters soon!

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