Chapter Twenty-one - Rest and Charms

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Chapter TwentyOne -

.:Third Person POV:.

Liv and Entity were not the only ones reliving past memories. Each of the residents of New Spawn were seeing them as well. Well.. everyone except Avin. He had no former life to worry about. Jalvajar made his way back to the small village. His lading was a little rough and he didn't realise just how tired he actually was until he landed. His legs were wobbly and his wings were sore. Logan and Shane rushed in to help him up. Even though Liv had explained what had happened, actually seeing Jal for themselves was a bit of a shock.

"The.. There is something happening..." Jal spoke out of breath struggling to keep on his feet.

"Jal are you okay?" VC walked up with Sami carrying a potion behind her. Sami handed up a potion of regeneration to Jal.

"Yes.. I'm okay.. but-" Sami held the potion up to Jal. "Thanks..." He took a sip of the pink liquid, "but the world! I think.."

"What?" Avin looked up. This didn't sound good.

"There is something like, eating the world, whole chunks of land are fading away and ar edged with this black stuff."

"Oh Notch..." Avin knew exactly what he was describing. "Oh Notch.... it must have come with us through the portal.." Avin looked like he was about to fall over. He put his hand up to his forehead messing up his bangs. "Oh Notch... this is bad.. this is very very bad...."

"Avin?" Snow ran over and helped him up.

"Um.. Snow you get Avin somewhere he can sit down.. We'll get Jal to his bed so he can rest..."

"No... I'm fine.. you go help Jal." Avin said getting ahold of himself.

"Oh.. Okay." VC and Logan helped Jal to his home.

Worries, fear, thoughts of what this might possibly mean for them... for the whole world. They all came up to the surface.

Meanwhile Liv and Merlin searched the forest for young Entity. "We have to find him..." Merlin said under his breath. He was worried nearly sick. If Entity was reliving memories of his past like everyone else...there is no knowing what it could do to him. There was no knowing.

"I'm sure he'll be okay..." Liv teleported next to Merlin. "He's just scared.. that's all..."

"Liv, if all of those memories come back to him, what is going to stop him from returning to that monster?"

"You will! He's spent a lot of time with you lately. I'm sure you have helped him some how."

"He spent a lot of time with me before he changed the first time as well. I couldn't stop him then, so what has changed?"

"You're older? Heh. A lot older. And he's younger... He looks up to you."

Merlin thought about it. "I sure hope you are right..."

"What are you doing so far out here on your own?"

"Leave me alone...." Entity sat on the ground back up against a large oak tree hugging his knees. He looked up at Eryss. She was leaning on her staff in front of him.

"Well if you want to be alone I guess this is the place to be." she yawned. She wore her usual black leather jacket and red dress. Her blonde bangs hung in a clean pixie cut with a red streak, a lot like Red's. A amber star shaped amulet hung on a petite gold chain around her neck that Entity had never noticed before."But you don't really look like you want to be left alone..."

"Well I do. Now go away..." Entity lifted his head, an old darkness had began to make its way back into Entity's face. He wiped away his tears.

"I do see why you have left the residents of New Spawn... they don't really understand people.. or should I say creatures like us."

"What? No! I didn't leave because of that... I left because.." Entity thought about it... maybe that was really why he did leave..

"It's understandable. They are bound with blind loyalty to their... 'gods', with phrases such as 'oh my Notch!', or 'cursed by Herobrine.'"

I thought back to the memory that caused me to run... there I knew no one could stop me. Not even Herobrine.. why would anyone be so reckless? Notch and Herobrine created our world...

"It's rather ironic that they can create such a vast and beautiful world, but yet they still can do nothing to save it..or themselves..."

"Y-you're planning something.. aren't you?"

"Noooooooo. Do I look like the kind of girl who could come up with an elaborate plan to rid the world of the gods?"


Her staff began to glow. "I am going to need a little help sooner or later.. and who better than my former master?"

"Wait... what are you doing?!" Entity stood up. Instinct taking over... but it wasn't enough... "NO STOP!"

A new charm was strung around Eryss's neck, with a blood red cube shaped crystal hanging right next to the amber.


Felix sat up and rubbed his head. It hurt..a lot. "Hey! He's awake!!!" Sami's voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to his pounding head.

"Woh woh woh. You lay back down!" VC ran over.

"Please.. don't yell." He said lying back down.

VC go the hint. "Well atleast we know that you are able to sit up. " She said in a quieter voice.

" it gone?" Felix asked looking up at the ceiling.

"So far there are no traces of the curse. You're clean!" Sami smiled her tail flicking around joyfully.

Felix sat back up and looked at his arm. No trace. There was a mirror over to the left. No trace on his neck or face. ...It really was gone..

"Hey you okay? Your face got kinda serious for a second there.." VC tilted her head.

"Oh.. yah.. I guess I'm better than ever. It's just.. I've lived with curse for five years. Its strange that it's gone. A good strange, but strange all the same.."

"Since you seem fine enough, you want to try walking outside? I'm going to check on Jal..."

"What's wrong with Jal?" Felix swung his feet over to the floor. At first he took it slow, leaning against the wall for support with his arm. After a few steps he was able to keep his balance fairly well. Sami helped him out along the way.

"He... It's rather difficult to explain." VC grabbed another potion. "He had a run in with the ender dragon... and well.. I guess you'll see soon enough."

"Is he okay?"

"Yah, in a way."

Felix walked outside and felt the fresh air. It was cold outside and it almost looked like it was about to rain.

"Felix!" Avin ran up and hugged his brother. He let go of Felix and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You don't know how great it is to see you up."

"You don't know how great it feels to be up." Being nearly dead for awhile really seemed to soften the brother's feelings for eachother. "What's been happening around here?"

Avin's cheerfulness melted away. "Too much to talk about out here in the cold. Let's go inside..."


Cut this a little short so I can post it tonight and watch Star Trek <3

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