Chapter Twenty-Two - It all Begins to Crumble

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Chapter Twenty-two -

.:Third Person POV:.

"It's too dark. We have to go back Merlin." Liv said holding up a purple luminist orb. It painted a shade of purple onto the trees and grass it's light touched. "He's probably gone home by now."

Merlin took a few more steps and stopped. He looked up to the starlight. "Alright... Hopefully he'll be there."

Meanwhile Shane and Avin stayed up waiting for Liv and Merlin to return. "Can't sleep?" Shane asked sitting next to Avin.

"Well. The world is beginning to literally fall apart."


"I'm also worried about Eryss. No one has seen her or Red for about a day or two. I know Red wouldn't do anything, but...Eryss is a different story."

"What is Eryss? You said Entity and her came before us to this land."

"Eryss was Entity's apprentice. She hates both Notch and Herobrine... even more than Entity did. She blames them for the wars."

"Well I am right." Both Shane and Avin jumped up. Eryss stood only a few feet away. Eryss slammed Avin to the ground. "You are in my way." She pressed the staff against his throat. "You know way too much in that pea like brain of your's and now you're filling poor little Shane's head with your worthless knowledge.

"HeY!" Shane protested, "I am not poor or little!"

"Maybe not but you are weak." Eryss grinned pressing harder on Avin's throat.

"Sh-Shane! Ig-nore h-her and go ge-get help!" He struggled for breath and tried to push the staff away.

"No Shane don't." Eryss made a swift move, hitting Avin in the head and knocking him unconscious. She then waved her staff to create a border around Shane.

"Let me go!" Shane punched the magical barrier only to get stung by it. He shook off the pain and glared at Eryss.

"Why would I do that? Well I guess a week little thing like you can't hurt me. But still."

"I am NOT weak!" He yelled.

"Oh shush. You'll wake up everyone." Eryss watched as Shane tried to figure a way out of the barrier and cast a speechless spell over him. "Isn't this familiar? Didn't Entity already knock out your vocal cords once?" Shane opened his mouth to yell but nothing came out. "Just another thing to make you even weaker than you already are." He tried to yell at her to say he wasn't weak and he punched the barrier again.

"Oh but you are!" Erys walked over, placing her hand on the other side of the force field. "Just like your parents were when you killed them." She grinned as Shane's eyes began to tear up. "You liked it didn't you? To hear their screams. I say those cave spiders did you a favor by having you get rid of them."

Shane shook his head mouthing no. Tears swol up in his uncovered eye. "You could do it again you know.." A small gold knife materialized in Eryss's hand. She held it out to Shane. "Kill him." Shane's eye dilated. He glanced over at the unconscious Avin that layed on the ground. "It's him or you Shane! Choose."

Eryss's hand passed through the barrier and handed Shane the knife. She took the blade and stared at it as it shimmered in the palm of his hand. The stars in the sky reflected their light in the smooth blade. It was a beautiful device that could be used to carve the simplest things like wood or stone.. or it was a weapon to take a life. Shane's hands shook. He was scared..because he was weak. He was scared that his weakness would have him make the wrong decision.. agin.

"Hurry up! We don't have all night." She stopped. "I could just kill you both. Right now. With just a wave of my wand. But.. then I'd be missing out on a wondrous opportunity."

Shane looked back up from the knife and at Eryss. She was relaxed with a smile on her face looking intently towards Shane's next.. and possibly last decision.

Liv and Merlin were just outside of New Spawn. "VC is probably looking after him."

"Yes. Liv thank you for trying to ease my conscious but, my conscious will not be at ease until I see him right in front of me with my own two eyes." Merlin walked out of the forest into the New Spawn clearing.

"Okay.. I'm sorry, but I'm sure he is fine." Liv looked up and saw Merlin stop dead in his tracks. "Wh-what is it?" He didn't respond. Liv took a few steps forward then saw just what he was looking at. She gasped and pulled her hands up to her lips in shock.

Avin and Shane laid on the ground. Pools of blood surrounding them. The blood glistened in the starlight, and the blue tones of night made the pools look like black ink as poured all over them. Getting a closer look you could see that Shane held a small gold knife in one hand. His throat was cut open. Avin laid only a little ways away, and it looked like he had been stabbed in the chest with a sword.

"Oh Herobrine..." Liv's eyes watered and Merlin stood in shock.

'Wh-who would do this?" Merlin checked for pulses just incase... but they were too late. Both of them were dead.

"What are we going to do? How are we going to tell the others? Oh..." Live choked out words through her sobs.

VC heard a knock at her door. "What is it? It's the middle of the night!" She mumbled half asleep not wanting to get up.

"VC.. need to get out here.." It was Snow. "But.. make sure Sami stays inside."

VC did her best to push herself out of bed. "What is it?" She asked as she stepped outside. The moon was still up and the stars twinkled brightly. Snow almost glowed in the moonlight, but her solemn tone set an eery feeling to the night.

"Avin and Shane are.. well... they're.. dead."


"...and It all begins to crumble.

It'll crumble to the end

It all begins to crumble

because it is the end.

And soon my friends we'll all be

together once again...

It all begins to crumble..

It'll crumble till the end."

Eryss laughed ans sung dancing around with her staff and twirling the two charms in her fingers.

"And soon my friends we'll all be

together once again,

And soon my friends we'll all be

together once again.."


A short.. and extremely emotional chapter... i'm sorry plz don't hate me ;-;

and a question that I forgot to ask last chapter, who are ya'lls favorite characters in here? And no you can not say your own.

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