Chapter Nine - Something more...

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Chapter Nine - Something more...

.:Shane's POV:.

I listened to what VC had to say about Liv's disappearance then walked out to where it had happened. It's not like none of us believed her or anything, but Liv could have just wandered off...or something.

"See? I was standing here." VC said, then placed her hands on my shoulders and moved me over, "And Liv was about there. Then we separated, and now she's gone." I looked around, picturing the situation in my mind. Honestly I felt pretty useless. The only reason we were going over this, was because VC was panicked, and my arm was broken. Neither of us could do much of anything at the moment.

"Um, well lets find out what the others have figured."

"H-hey? A little help here?" It was Merlin, and he was awkwardly dragging Felix.

"Oh my Notch?! Is he dead?!" VC practically screamed.

Merlin put him down. "N-no! He's just unconscious."

"What happened?" I asked walking over to try and help.

"We... We ran into Entity." Merlin got quiet and pulled Liv's sword out from under his jacket. "We found out what happened to Liv."

I looked up from Felix. This was honestly the most relaxed I had ever seen him. "So Entity took Liv, and attacked you while you were searching?"

"Not exactly. Felix attacked Entity, and would have gotten himself killed if I didn't stop him."

"So you knocked him out?"

He nodded. Merlin looked kind of tired. "We should get Jal and Eryss, and go back home."

VC and Merlin left, taking the unconscious Felix with them. I went to get Jalvajar and Eryss. Soon we all were gathered back at the house. VC was able to conjour a simple smelling potion to wake Felix up. I'm pretty sure he was mad at Merlin after finding out he was the one to knock him out, and brooded by himself for a little before calming himself down enough to talk again without giving anyone a black eye. Merlin and I briefed everyone on what they had found, and we began the discussion on what to do next.

"It's obviously a trap." Merlin said looking sollem with his arms crossed.

"Well we have to do something right?" VC was sitting down with a rather serious look on her face.

"I say we figure out where those coordinates lead first, what did you say, -33, 109? Once we see where it leads then we can decide what to do from there." Jal said.

"If this Entity fellow does have something up his sleeve, he would be prepared for what we do." Eryss spoke. "Much like Merlin said, going there would be walking into a possible trap."

"We shouldn't risk it." I added. "Entity might want to get u there just to kill us all at once."

"Why is he doing this?" Felix looked over at Merlin.

"...what? Don't look at me! I don't know what he has planned!" Merlin defended himself. "Entity is insane. He didn't just break away from Herobrine, he also broke away from Minecraftia. He want's power that can not be reached in this world and, he has no way to get to a place he can reach it." I got the feeling he knew a little more about what we were dealing with that anyone else.

.:Liv's POV:.

I sat on the floor of my cell. Bored to the Nether. I was just playing with my hair and rattling the iron bars in front. I eventually ended up laying on the ground staring up at the ceiling.

"Ya' know, your friend's sure are taking a long time to come and save you." Entity was outside my cell, looking in at me.

"You don't say." I glared at him.

"It's kind of confusing me." He sat down on the floor, and placed his back to the bars of the cell across from me. His eyes looked deep in thought.

Because I had nothing else to do, I figured that I would indulge him in his conversation. Sitting up I replied, "About what?"

"The six of you are all on different sides of a war that has lasted nearly eternity. And yet, none of you have attempted to destroy the other."

"...I guess we all have a common goal."

"And what would that be?"

"To survive?" I thought about it.

"Hmm." He looked down and twiddled his black gloved thumbs. "No. There is something more here. Something stronger than just common goals."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that I believe Notch and Herobrine chose you specific few for a reason, and I intend to find out. Even if I have to dissect each of you piece by piece with a toothpick.


.:VC's POV:.

So in the end, after a long debate we finally decided that we should in fact check the coordinates. The plan was Jal and I would stay back with our bows to cover for Merlin and Felix. Shane and Eryss were to watch as lookouts for anything strange. The coordinates lead us to right behind the mountain that normally looked over us throughout the day.

"Um, guys? Does that count as something strange?" Shane pointed up with his free hand at a large stone tower in the distance.

"Nooooo." Jal rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure this is it." Felix said looking up as well. "Alright, Merlin, Jal, and I will scout out the area. Then, the plan."

The three of them left and I was alone with Shane and.. Eryss? I hadn't gotten to meet her yet. How was she even here? "Um, hi?" I said as I turned to Eryss.

"Oh! Hello!" She replied with a smile.

"I don't believe we have officially met yet, I'm VC!" I held out my hand.

"Eryss." We shook hands.

It took a little while for the guy's to get back, but I was glad they did, because I think Shane was starting to feel a little awkward with just us two girls around.

"Did you find anything?" Shane asked jumping up, he must have moved his arm a bit too fast, because the next moment he was flinching.

"Yeah, the main entrance is around the south side."

"There doesn't look to be any other entrance, unless any of us know how to fly."

Eryss looked down for a second. "Um. I may be able to help with that."

"You can fly?" I gave her a confused glance.

"No... but I might be able to make a way into the tower. That is, if I can fix my staff." She retrived three broken pieces of a wooden staff from her backpack.

"That's an old world vine crystal staff." Merlin said as he examined the piece that seemed to be the top. "I didn't think there were any left in the world, where did you get this?"

"I've had it a long time." She replied, Merlin returned the piece to her and she put it away. "Do you think you can repair it?" She asked Merlin.

"I can try."

"Okay then try." Felix said looking at the two of them. "It looks like it's the best way in for now."

"Do we just go home and wait till he fixes the sick?" Jal almost looked like he was wanting a fight.

"Yes." Felix replied, and we did just that.


Sorry for kinda boring chapter guys, action is soon, hopefuly.



Anyway, my computer is brokeded


so i've been uploading from the chrome book this past week-ish

my computers always seem to get brokeded around this time >.>

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