Chapter Eight - Just like old times

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Chapter Eight - Just like old times

.:Liv's POV:.


I threw myself into the door and it still wouldn't open. None of my magic was working, and my sword had been taken. I was defenseless. I rammed the door once more. My shoulder hurt now. And my head. Uhg. How did I end up here in the first place? Oh. Right. Entity.

As if on cue the shadow creature walked in. His white hood up and his red eyes glowing. "So. How ya' dooing?" He smiled. I realized just how small he was. Almost a whole two heads smaller than I was, but I was tall due to being ender.

"Just as great as any prisoner would." I grumbled walking to the back of my obsidian cell.

"That's great to hear." He set down some food. "I hope you're hungry."

I didn't reply, just looked out the window. The ground was really far below, and I think there were clouds just about five blocks above.

"It sure is a nice view. That's why I chose this spot." He watched me with curiosity. "Well, anyway, I'll just leave now. Enjoy your chicken." He was gone.

.: ThirdPerson POV:.

The group had gathered together in the main room. "Alright, VC. Where did you see here last?" Felix asked.

"We were collecting the wheat, and feeding the cows, then she went over to check for eggs with the chickens."

"Alright so we'll start with the farm." Merlin said.

"I want to help." Eryss stood up. "You have been so kind to me, and I want yo return the favor."

"Okay, then Eryss, and Jal will go check the chickens, Merlin and I will look around the forest on the edge of the farm, and VC, you show Shane what happened. Everyone got it?"

There were numerous nods and mumble from the group. They then went out to look.

.:Felix's POV:.

Merlin and I began checking the outskirts of the farm. It didn't take us to long to find something. "Over here!" Merlin called. I followed his voice and he showed me what he had found. "It's her sword." Sure enough, Merlin held Liv's silver sword.

"Took you long enough." Entity was there, standing with a golden apple again. He took a bite, then looked directly at us. "Dang you guy's are slow." He smirked.

"What have you done with her." I glared furious.

"Oh nothing. She's just been removed for a time being. AND, to show you I bear no ill will, I'll even give you the exact coordinates to where she is."

"Why should we trust you?" I lifted my sword.

"Felix, don't.." Merlin said, his voice sounded worried.

"Why should we trust you?" I raised my voice ignoring Merlin.

"Heh... Why?" Entity's voice became less care free, and much more threatening. "Because I hold the key to all of your pathetic lives. With a simple wave of my hand, I could destroy you."

"Entity, stop this. We are not a threat to you, just bring us our friend back and we'll leave you alone." Merlin was trying to reason with him, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Oh stay out of this Merlin, you know you want the same thing as I do." Wait, what was he talking about?

"Entity, I passed that path long ago. I don't need it."

Entity floated around Merlin, taunting him. "Oh yes you do, you want the ultimate power just as much as I do! I just need to re-open your eyes. It could be just like old times!" He placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder. Merlin's shirt began to turn red, and something began to change about him.

"What- No!" What ever was happening Merlin snapped out of it, turning around and swiping at Entity with his sword.

Entity jumped back, looking some what surprised. "Okay then. Maybe next time. Anyway." Merlin looked stressed, and was breathing rather heavily as his shirt returned to a whitish gray. I came back to my own senses.

"Where is Liv, Entity?!"

"666, 303." Entity went back to his more carefree style. "Heh, I'm just joking. No way I'd make my home quadrants that obvious." He backed away from us, and stood under the same tree he started at. "33, 109. Or, was it -33, 109. Oh well, I'm sure you'll find out eventually."

I was tired of his games, I picked up my sword and charged, the next thing I knew, was complete darkness.



Entity's theme song mmhhmmm.

Anyway, what is going to happen next?

I really, need to make a cover for this.

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