Chapter Fifteen - Second Stage

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Chapter Fifteen - Second Stage

.:Third Person POV:.

Red followed Eryss into the forest. "Are we almost there? MI'm getting kinda tired, and I'm pretty sure the others will be looking for us soon..."

"We're already here! And don't worry about the others, they won't even know we're gone."

"Where is here? I don't see anything." It was just a clearing in Red's eyes, but only Eryss knew what lied underneath.

"Just be patient!" Eryss waved the staff over the ground and a trapdoor appeared.

"Wow!" Red exclaimed.

Eryss made her way over to the door. "Well? You coming?"

Red nodded and then descended down the ladder. "What is this place?"

"Just a little get away I made for myself to escape from my.. friends."

Red didn't like the tone Eryss used when she said 'friends'. "What do you meen?"

"Red, I need you to listen to me." The room was small and made out of stone, there was a netherrack fire, potion stands, various items the Red didn't even know existed. "You can't trust anyone."

"Eryss? what are you talking..about?"

"I've figured everything out. All I want you to do is be yourself, but do not trust any of them." Eryss was starting to freak Red out.


"Red just... " Eryss sighed. "I need you to be okay? Okay? Look, I'm not the same Eryss you knew. You left her behind in whatever timeline you came from. Much like I lost my Red, you have lost your Eryss, but we are together again. And NOTHING. Nothing... Nothing is going to separate us."

"...." Red just started at Eryss. "WHAT THE NETHER ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She shook Eryss but the shoulders. "I'M VERY CONFUSEDED." Red was acting like Eryss was trying to pull some erratic prank on her.

Eryss lost her serious tone and decided it was better Red didn't know it all. "Okay, okay!" You got me, I'm just being overly paranoid... as usual. Anyway, I'm just glad you're back."

.:Liv's POV:.

I was talking to Avin, he had decided to go mining so Felix and I had come along. Felix and Avin had had a conversation about Felix's.. condition. It was getting worse, and soon he would need more than just that scarf to cover it up.

"I'm fine." Felix rolled his eyes as he walked over to mine another piece of lapis.

Avin returned with some eye rolling of his own. "What are you so stubborn. You have two very talented magic users here that could find a way to cure that nether bound curse. "

"And I'm supposed to trust what a traitor like you has to say?"

"Wait, traitor?" I asked.

"Yes, If you haven't noticed Avin here is Notch, I am Herobrine. We were both born Herobrine, and we both would have stayed Herobrine, but someone decided to run off and get himself caught."

"That was almost twelve years ago!"

"You mean nine."

"Oh.. yah. But either way my statement stays the same! You. Need. Help."

"FINE. If I have Liv take a look at it then will you shut the nether up?"

Avin noded.

"Alright then. Felix, where did the curse start?" I asked, not exactly sure how I ended up in this situation in the first place.

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