Chapter Six - Eryss and her Past

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.:Third Person POV:.

~around a few hundred years ago~

Red ran out of the Ather castle halls and all the way home, clutching a sheet of paper signed by the Mojang council including Notch himself. The paper gave both her, and Eryss the go to take a small group of Ather warriors to end the dispute between Herobrine and Notch forever. "Eryss!!" She skidded to a halt at the door and ran in. "I got it!" Red huffed.

"Y-you got it?" Eryss asked bewildered.

Red nodded in reply. Eryss was shocked, she never thought that they would be the ones to do this. Such a heavy burden now laid on their shoulders. This one thing could decide the fate, for not just the Ather, but all of Minecraftia. Eryss sat down, trying to keep herself from hyperventilating.

"This is great!" Red said enthusiastically. "We'll finally amount to something! We'll be known as heros!"

"Red I don't think-"

"I wonder if they'll build a statue of us! You know like the one of Steve in town square OR they could give us a kingdom to rule!! Like King Sky and the Gold Kingdom!" She was talking a million miles an hour, you could tell she was excited. "OR-"

"RED! We need to think about this... what if Notch is wrong? What if we can't do this?!" Eryss was panicked.

"Why couldn't we? It's right here." She held up the paper for Eryss to see.

"I-I don't know Red..."

"Everything will be fine!"

A few days later the two made it to Herobrine's mansion. They had been in the nether several times before, but those were just scouting missions.

"Alright..." Red looked up at the large looming doors. "I guess we just knock?"

Eryss held the paper tight, this was what they needed to get Herobrine to sine. This would give all of Minecraftia a thousand years peace. "Ready when you are."

Red knocked on the door, and with a loud creaking it slowly opened. The two were met by a wither skeleton guard. The two glanced nervously at each other, and followed the mob throughout the mansion. They finally came to a room with a large rectangular table.

Sitting at the end of that table was the man, or deity that no Athorian wanted to see up close. Herobrine.

"So, you are the two whom my brother has chosen." He smiled. "Welcome."

"Yes sir." Red spoke confidently.

That was the start of the peace negotiations. They went on for four months, Herobrine would constantly bring up some excuse, in saying proposal, or some standard that would be impossible to meat. But they pulled through, until they created a contract that both the Ather, and the Nether would be pleased with.

The girls stayed in the mansion as they worked on the treaty. It was large, about the size of their whole house they had at home. Large red curtains that reach up to the ceiling, a variety of rich paintings on the walls of withers, ghast, and various other mobs. One painting didn't quite look like the rest. It was a person in white and gray robes, standing up looking over one of the many lava oceans in the nether.

"Hey there!" Eryss jumped back, the painting had turned around and looked straight at her. "Oh, sorry for startling you!"

"Wh-who are you?" She asked, startled.

"The name's Entity, Entity 303." He was floating inside of the painting, where he was standing was actually a picture of what could be Steve or Herobrine, since his back was turned to them.

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