Chapter Eighteen - Curses and Dragons

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Chapter Eighteen -

.:Liv's POV:.

'Thank you for your service's. You may now return to your regular lives.' The voice echoed out through the cavern. My senses returned to me, and I was now back in control. It took a moment for the memories of what had just happened to return.

"Oh my Herobrine.... Jal?!" A horrible despair came over me. The same feeling I had after accidentally stabbing Merlin. Twice now I have inadvertently hurt my friends. I hated myself for it. Running through the end all that filled my mind were those feelings, and the need to help. I came to a halt in the cell rooms. There was a creature, curled up in the corner. Two large dark gray and green wings, and a similar tail sheltered it away so I couldn't get a good look. Then with incredible speed and force the creature leaped at the bars. I barely managed to dodge it's sharp claws. Two glowing green eyes glared at me and it hissed baring sharp canine teeth. I then realized just what...who I was looking at.

"Oh Herobrine.... Jal? What the nether did they do to you...?"

Jalvajar blinked then seemed to snap out of whatever mindset he was in. "L-Liv?" He relaxed a bit. Spines lined his backbone and two horns sprouted from his head."Where is everyone? Are they okay?! How long have I been here? What about Felix? Is he still aliave?"

"I don't know! As soon as the dragon released us I I cam here to see if you were still alive!" I hope everyone is okay! Felix! We still have to find a way to rid him of the curse!

Okay Liv. Get yourself together. One thing at a time. First. You need to get Jal out of this cage. "Liv, you need to go back! You need to go help Felix! He'll die if you don't find a way to break his curse!"

"No, I'm going to break you out! I'm the one who put you in there and I'm going to get you out!"

"You din't put me in here! If anyone did it was the dragon. Look it doesn't want me dead, or it wouldn't have.." He looked down, "Done this.. to me..."

"Jal! I'm getting you out!"

"NO." He yelled, a roar sounded behind his words. "You are not! I'm staying right here until you get back out there and fix Felix! Until then I'll do my best to escape on my own. You got that?!"

They had to have used some of the dragons blood to do this to him because I had to follow his order. I hated this. I threw down one of my enderpearls. The cell and the End all faded away and was replaced with the overworld.

.:Entity's POV:.

"LIV!" I saw here teleport in. I ran up and hugged her grabbing her leg.

"Oh my- ENTITY!" She shook me off and I landed on my butt.

"What? I'm just glad your back! You were kinda creepy when you left..."

"Liv!" Merlin ran up. "You're back! Do you know where Jalvajar is?"

"Y..yes.." Liv didn't look too happy. "Merlin... the dragon has's done something to Jal."

"....What did it do?" I looked up at Liv.

"I think... it's hard to explain... I think he is part.. part dragon now.."



Awesome." What dose he look like now?! Oh my Herobrine I want to be part dragon too, that would be soooooooooooooooooooo cooool!!!Q!!!kjlrenb kj 2ntjvnqepjv nvqjvnadfg .... erorr 3330033 303... bzzt.

"Entity calm down!" Merlin shook me.

"Entity! This is not cool! Do you even know what he is going through!?" Liv looked distressed. "It's not like we can do anything. He made me promise not to come looking for him until after we fix Felix.

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