Chapter Thirteen - New Begginings

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Chapter Thirteen - New beginnings

.:Third person's POV:.

"So.. This is the place?" He asked.

Notch nodded. "You are sure you can handle this? I know about your past relations with-"

"I'll be fine sir." He smiled. "When will the others wake up?"

"Soon, you know what to inform them and the others of correct?"

"Yes sir."


"Is it time sir?"



The new participants found themselves lying out in the middle of a field. The sky was painted with the colors of twilight, calm purples, rich pinks, and cool blues. Sami was the first to wake up. Her nose twitched as she jumped up into her new surroundings. Two cat like ears perked up from her head and a tail whipped around in the back. Her short dirty blonde hair bounced around. There were others, two boys and three girls other than herself. One of the boys wore a white jacket and black gloves, the other had tanish blonde hair with a dark brown streak, and a brown leather jacket. The first girl wore a dark hoodie and a pair of glasses, and the other had a deep red hoodie with black and red headphones, her hair was blonde and tipped with red. The last girl had dark hair and a dark jacket along with white boots and a pretty obsidian snowflake charm. Each slowly came to their senses.

The five awoke, all but one knowing where they were. The boy with blonde hair began to speak. "It's getting dark, lets head towards that building over there." He pointed, "I'll explain what I can once we get there."

Not knowing what else to do the others followed his lead. The building was only a few blocks away. Avin stepped up to the door and knocked.

Felix heard the knock at the door. Confused he walked up to see what it was and what he saw was not pleasing. "Uh.. Hey! Felix!"

The door opened and a fist came flying out hitting Avin in the face. Then the door was slammed shut again.

"Felix? What the heck was that?" VC was watching the brewing stands. They had collected the supplies from Entity's tower, and VC able to use them to make potions to heal Merlin. Now Merlin was very strict about keeping the potions supplies up. Something about void and dying and stuff. No one was exactly sure.

Felix grumbled and walked straight back into his room slamming the door. "Okay then.." Shane watched as Felix stormed by. Shane walked up to the door and was met by Avin, who now possessed a bloody nose thanks to Felix. "Woah. People." Shane was shocked to be greeted by six strangers. And even more so by the little boy in the back. He wore a white hooded jacket with black gloves and had deep red eyes. Entity? But.. He looks human? "....What- uh -What is going on?" Shane asked extremely confused. "Who are you people?!"

"What the nether?" Merlin was up, he had gone to bed early, but with all the sudden commotion it was hard to sleep. He was almost instantly followed by Jal, Liv, and Eryss.

"Merlin!" The boy who looked like Entity pushed his way past the new six and into the room then ran up and gave him a hug.

"What the-" Merlin was caught completely off guard. This was a bit much. "Entity?"

"You grew a lot." The kid stated as stepped back. No. This wasn't the being that attacked them only weeks ago.. was it?

"What the nether is going on?" Eryss felt threatened. Extremely threatened.

"I'll explain everything." Avin said as the other four girls made their way inside the house.

Eryss fell silent. Blonde hair. Red eyes. Maroon striped hoodie. Black headphones. It couldn't be... "Red?"

"Eryss!" Red yelled. The two collided in a hug. "I can't believe you're here! I thought you stayed in the Ather?!"

"What are you talking about I thought you were dead?!" Eryss fought back tears. "You were dead!" She pushed Red away from her.

"Eryss? What ? Are you okay?" Eryss shook her head not taking her shocked eyes off Red. She pushed her way outside and ran out the door. "Eryss! Wait!!" Red called attempting to run after here, but Avin grabbed her arm before she could follow door.

"Let her have some time.." He said. Red watched as Eryss ran off into the night. "Now I would like to talk to the current residence's of New Spawn. I believe it's; Olivia, Shane, Veronica, Jalvajar, Merlin, and Felix. "

"Felix stormed out." VC stated, everyone was confused and didn't know what the nether was going on.

"I guess I'll get him." Avin said, "Which room is his?"

"Wait, who are you to come barging into our home and order people around? What is going on? And maybe it should be someone Felix knows who should get him." Liv pointed out.

"He knows me. My name is Avin. I'm Felix's twin. AND I'm also in charge of informing all of you of the situation. Notch himself chose me."

The Entity kid grind. "Are you sure it wasn't the author?"

"Entity shut up. Notch you're even more annoying as a kid!" Red said glaring at him.


A hole in the time space continuum was ripped and everyone was sucked out from behind the fourth wall.


Avin had retrieved Felix and the rest gathered in the kitchen, that used to be the girls room. "Alright, Avin. What is the scheme this time?"

"I swear to Notch this is not a scheme Felix."

"Okay let's put your 'brotherly love' aside and get to explaining WHY THE NETHER THERE IS A SMALL ENTITY OUT THERE!" Jal was distressed.

"I was getting to that." Avin said calmly, "You see, he's been given a second chance, just like all of us."

"What do you mean, 'just like all of us'?" Merlin asked.

"I can't go into detail, but he was the one chosen by Herobrine to come here. I don't know why, or how, but I do know that this is not the same Entity that you defeated. I think you can already tell that he is much younger, and he has no recollection of what has happened."

"I''m still confused, he was dead!" VC spoke this time.

"Like I said I don't know how or why."

Liv raised an eyebrow. "Then what do you know?"

"... That the old world is dying."

Various 'what's' rang throughout the room.

"What do you mean? Dying?"

"You see, when you first came here you were trying to resolve the war between Notch and Herobrine right? Well, recently the war has become something very much of the past. There was some sort of virus the corrupted the world and now Notch and Herobrine are gathering who they can to start a new world. This world."




Merlin Dream

Sami Longfeather




Jalvajar Chikyu







Logan Larson


oh grd this chapter confused even me .-.

I had to repair the wall... again -.- *sigh*


Welcome the new, New Spawn members :D yaaaaaay

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