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After an ordinary 11-hour flight (which I spent beside Maddie) and a 2-hour drive, Maddie and I finally open our hotel room. I look at everything like I've never seen it before, even at ordinary stuff I see every day, like soaps.

'I'm gonna sleep!' Maddie shouts.
'It's 3PM here.' I shout back, running towards one of the two beds.

'I claim this one.' I say, diving onto the one that's standing against the wall.

'I'm knackered! Let's just sleep.' Maddie suggests.
'Listen, babe. If you're gonna sleep now, you won't get any sleep tonight.' I explain, sitting down on my temporary bed.

'I don't care. I'm so tired, I can't even stand up straight.' Maddie answers.
'Don't exaggerate! Wimp.' I say, throwing the pillow on my bed at her.

'Don't throw pillows at me, you whore!' Maddie shouts, throwing the pillow back at me.

'I need you to stay awake! I'm full of energy and I don't wanna be running around town on my own.' I say, throwing my pillow at her again.

'Ask your best friend Harry.' Maddie mumbles, protecting her face by putting her hands in front of it.

'Don't mention Harry. I had the weirdest dream about him last night.' I answer, remembering the dream. Suddenly, Maddie's wide awake.

'Did you have sex with him?' She asks.
'Excuse me?!' I exclaim.
'Okay, so no. What happened in your dream?' She asks, staring me into the eyes.

'Nothing, it was just a weird dream.' I answer.
'Tell me! Or else I'm going to sleep.' Maddie threatens. I sigh.

'Do you really wanna hear it?' I ask for reassurance.
'So you did have sex with him?' Maddie states.
'No, I didn't have sex with him! Do you wanna hear it or not?' I repeat, losing my patience.
'Yes!' Maddie shouts excitedly.

'Long story short, something went wrong with the seats and I ended up being seated beside Harry the whole flight. Of course, I did everything I could to switch, but nobody would. And then, Harry started flirting with me the entire time. And then, I kissed him. He kissed me back. I asked him if he liked me, and he said yes, and I told him I liked him too, and then I woke up. That was the dream.' I tell, talking at an exceptional fast tempo.

'Oh my god, you kissed Harry?' Maddie exclaims after a few seconds, full of excitement.

'No! The dream-me kissed Harry, not me! I would never touch that son of a bitch. He's disgusting.' I protest.
'The fact that you had this dream proves otherwise.' Maddie tells.
'It could've been any other guy of the band. It could've been Liam, or Zayn, or Nia-'

'But instead it was Harry. I don't think that was a coincidence.' Maddie interrupts me.
'I think it was. It doesn't matter anyway. Let's go into town.' I suggest, standing up from my bed.

'Can I at least change first?' Maddie asks.
'Good idea.' I answer, and I open my suitcase.
'Wear that.' Maddie says, pointing at the short green dress on top of the pile of clothes.

'Sure, why not. You wear that.' I answer, pointing at the blue dress in Maddie's suitcase.
'Mkay.' Maddie says, picking up the blue dress out of her suitcase.

I put on the dress and add my black and white OldSkool Vans. I check myself out in the mirror and put my hair down, and apply a reddish balm on my lips.

'How do I look?' I ask Maddie.
'Hot.' She answers after glancing at me. 'How do I look?'

'You look hot too.' I answer.
'Let's go!' Maddie says, pulling me out of the hotel room. We walk through the long hallway in a high speed, and run into Louis and Harry.

'Hey, strangers I've never met before. Where are you guys going?' I ask Louis.
'To the store. We're starving.' Louis answers.
'We're coming with.' Maddie says.
'Sure, but why are you wearing such a short dress?' Louis asks me after having have checked out my outfit.

'It's not even that short, Louis. Why are you always being so ugly?' I snap.

'It's alright, Louis. I don't mind her dress being short.' Harry interferes while checking me out, what makes me scoff. Louis looks at Harry with a dangerous look on his face.

'You're not gonna be around for long if you keep treating my best friend like that, horny jerk.' Maddie snaps at Harry.

'What did I do? I figured Louis thought I would be bothered! That's why I said it.' Harry defends himself, holding both of his hands half in the air.

'I will kill you if you hit on my sister like that ever again, Harry. I'm serious.' Louis says, dangerously cold.
'I didn't hit on her, but alright, I'll never do it again.' Harry says.
'You were literally checking her out!' Maddie exclaims.

'Guys, it doesn't matter. Let's keep it nice and calm, and go to the store.' I say, pushing my way through the hallway. Maddie runs after me.

'Don't.' I say before she can speak.
'Why is he already so horny?' Maddie thinks out loud.

'Horny? Come on, it was one comment. I've had worse.' I answer, sighing.
'I bet you did, but this is Harry we're talking about. Who does he think that he is?' Maddie says.

'Um, that I'm Harry Styles, and I'm seventeen years old.' Harry says from behind us. Maddie glances over her shoulder to glare at him, but I chuckle.

'Why are you laughing?' Maddie snaps at me.
'Because that was kinda a me thing to say. And it was funny.' I answer casually.
'He doesn't deserve you.' Maddie mutters.
'Good thing we're not dating then.' I answer sarcastically.

'Thank god we're not dating.' Harry interferes. This time, I do shoot him a glare.

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