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That same night, I enter my hotel room, feeling like I'm dreaming. I lean back against the door, a big smile on my face.

'Whoa, you look happy.' Maddie suddenly speaks up from her bed, making me jump a little.

'Jesus, Maddie, you startled me!' I exclaim.
'What happened? What did you do?' Maddie asks excitedly.
'Nothing happened, we just ate Mexican food.' I answer, not being able to hold my smile back.

'That smile on your face says something else. Tell me, what happened beside the Mexican food?' Maddie asks.
'I told you, nothing happened!' I repeat, sitting down on my bed.
'And I'm supposed to do what, believe you?' Maddie asks.
'Yes!' I answer. Maddie narrows her eyes at me and leans back on her bed.

'Why is your red chapstick off your lips?' She asks. I frown and automatically touch my lips, to feel they're dry as hell.

'Um, I guess it went off while eating.' I say.
'Literally two days ago, you were bragging about how well you could eat while wearing any kinds of lipstick, leaving it untouched. Why is it gone now? I thought you were so good at eating without getting your lip balm removed.' Maddie recounts. I raise one eyebrow at her.

'I guess it- I dunno, Maddie. I guess it just went off by itself.' I speak then.
'Or you could just say that Harry took it off.' Maddie answers directly.
'What? How could he take off my chapstick?' I ask, chuckling.
'Don't act so clueless, you know exactly what I mean. You guys kissed. Am I right or am I wrong?' Maddie asks. I feel myself smile again.

'Yes. I mean, you're right. We kissed.' I say then.
'I knew it! I knew it from the second you walked into the room. That look on your face was enough. And, how was it?' Maddie says excitedly.

'It was amazing. It felt way better comparing to when I kissed Jack. And it was kinda funny how it happened, we were playing truth or dare and then Harry dared me to kiss him, and I said I'd rather kiss a homeless man. Then he suggested the homeless sitting across the street or him, and I said I would kiss the homeless, and then I pretended I thought he was the homeless man, and I kissed him. Then he said, "that wasn't the homeless guy", and I replied that I must've mistaken him for a homeless guy. Then he kissed me again, and it was amazing. He's also so good at it! Way better than Jack. And he's funny, and sweet, and cute, and I think I'm really falling in love with him.' I rant. Maddie seems having trouble keeping up, but I ignore her and just keep ranting.

'Whoa, you really are in love with him. I was right the whole time.' She says after a few seconds of silence.

'No, I'm not.' I deny.
'Yes, you are. Look in the mirror. Your eyes are literally glowing, and your cheeks are burning red. You're in love with Harry, Liv.' Maddie tells. I jump off my bed and look at the nearest mirror. She's right. My eyes scream out "happiness" and my cheeks are burning up.

'I'm in love with Harry.' I conclude.
'Yes, honey. You're in love with Harry.' Maddie answers. I slowly sit back down on my bed.

'Are you guys official, by the way?' Maddie asks.
'I have no idea. I don't think so. Just because I kissed him once doesn't mean that he's my boyfriend, right?' I answer.
'It did go like that for me and Dave. And Jack thought you were his girlfriend after you kissed once.' Maddie recalls.
'Yes, but you and David are different, and Jack was a perv.' I answer.

'True. you know what? Hear Louis out. Text him hi and see how he responds. Maybe Harry told him something?' Maddie suggests. I shrug and take out my phone. Maddie gets beside me in a flash.

to: Louis Tomlinson

I watch the little screen on my phone, but Louis is probably already asleep and won't see it.

'He texted you back!' Maddie exclaims excitedly.

from: Louis Tomlinson
Hey smth wrong?

to: Louis Tomlinson
Nothing, just wanted to say gn.... Have u talked 2 H yet?

from: Louis Tomlinson
Yes I talked to Harry... did u really kiss?

to: Louis Tomlinson
He told u? And yes

from: Louis Tomlinson
Ofc he told me. He's one of my best friends. and ur my sister. Feels kinda weird for me that ur my best friends girlfriend

to: Louis Tomlinson
He told u I'm his girlfriend?

from: Louis Tomlinson
No I just figured u were..... anyways I'm tired. Ttyl gn

to: Louis Tomlinson
Gn bro

'So Louis thinks you are Harry's girlfriend. That definitely means something.' Maddie analyzes.
'Why? Harry didn't tell him I was his girlfriend.' I answer.

'I think Harry entered his room with exact the same look on his face you had when you entered our room. I also thought you made it official with him.' Maddie tells.
'Oh, whoa.' I mumble. I look at my phone when I hear another text coming in.

from: Harry Styles
Good night Livvie, see u tomorrow. xxx

'Jeez, you should see the look on your face right now.' Maddie comments.
'He's so sweet! I'm gonna propose to him.' I mumble, laying down on my bed while staring at the text.

'Ah, I know what you're doing here. You're one of the sex after marriage people, and by marrying Harry right now, you can sleep with him.' Maddie analyzes. I immediately sit up straight again.

'No! First of all, I'm not part of the sex after marriage people, second of all, it was a joke!' I protest. Maddie starts laughing, and I know that she was just messing with me.

'Fuck you, Maddie.' I mutter while I look back at my phone. Maddie lays down on her own bed and closes her eyes.

'Good night, Liv.' she says.
'Night.' I answer quietly, starting to type back on my phone.

to: Harry Styles
Thxx, u 2!! xxx

I sigh and turn off my phone, a little smile plastered on my face. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face. In the middle of brushing my teeth, I hear my phone bleeping again. I immediately rush towards it.

from: Harry Styles
I had a rlly gr8 time with u tonight... Louis hates me for kissing u btw lol. x

to: Harry Styles
I had a rly great time 2.... About Louis, just ignore him.. he'll get over it. x

from: Harry Styles
I wanna do it again

to: Harry Styles
What? Take a walk with me or kiss me??

from: Harry Styles

to: Harry Styles
Awww thats cute. same tho.. c u tmrw :) xxx

from: Harry Styles
c u tomorrow Livvie xxx

When I put my phone away, with a big smile on my face, I realize my toothbrush is still in my mouth, so I quickly go back to the bathroom and take it out of my mouth. I finish the last few things and lay down in my bed.

If this is a dream, I never wanna wake up.

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